Tag Archives: pays-the-money

Jon Gosselin Moving Back to Pennsylvania; Hailey Glassman Wants Her Money Back

Jon Gosselin is moving into his own apartment near the Pennsylvania home he used to share with Kate and their eight kids, according to reports. Last week, the d-bag filed court papers requesting physical custody of the Gosselin children as well as the right to reside in Kate’s guest house. He’s been living with his brother since breaking up with Morgan Christie . His move back to Pennsylvania was no doubt motivated largely by money. Dude has no job, and his last apartment in NYC was uber-pricey. It also got ransacked, allegedly by (segue alert) another THG news staple. Which brings us to the Hailey Glassman angle of this story … HI : Jon’s state of origin… and level of debt . She’s happy to hear he’ll be moving to the Pennsylvania pad … so long as he pays the money she still says he owes her for the NYC one. Hailey Glassman ranted on Twitter: “Hey Stubby I hope u own ur new place in PA so I can put a Lien on ur property until u pay me back.” “Seriously, This is redic already. U really want this to be a big messy lawsuit like all ur others?! I don’t want that but I want my $$.” “U promised n signed 2 pay back! I know u JonTheCon strive off of chaos, but I truly want U out of my life but not without my 200,000.” “U swore n signed contracts to pay me back. Contact Rob Jon! May is here soon. I don’t want to sue u but will and pull out EVERYTHING.” “I’ve been quiet Jon. Contact Rob.” You heard her, Jon. Contact Rob, whoever that is. Actually, scratch that. Don’t. We would have more fun reporting a lawsuit after you fail to.

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Jon Gosselin Moving Back to Pennsylvania; Hailey Glassman Wants Her Money Back