Tag Archives: people-blamed

Lesly Jones’ Alleged Hacked Photos of the Day

I don’t know if this is Leslie Jones….or if it is a prank cuz a story of her pics being hacked…I know that any fat black girl could pass for her…and possibly some farm animals…and that’s not a racist statement – it applies to white girls this size also….and really, a lot of dudes love big girls overpowring them. I know at least one skinny white dude who seeks this shit out…big black girls suffocating him out…true story… I know Ghostbusters sucked, people blamed her…it was a terrible idea. I know some people find her comedy brilliant. I know lots of ppl went racist on her on twitter – making Harambe jokes…and I know what she may look like taking it up the ass…..GRAPHIC… I also know this may get me sued…so we will say it’s PROBABLY NOT Leslie Jones….it can’t be Leslie Jones….we don’t need to s this – but if the lawyers come at me – we will know the truth…. The post Lesly Jones’ Alleged Hacked Photos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lesly Jones’ Alleged Hacked Photos of the Day