Tag Archives: being-hacked

Lesly Jones’ Alleged Hacked Photos of the Day

I don’t know if this is Leslie Jones….or if it is a prank cuz a story of her pics being hacked…I know that any fat black girl could pass for her…and possibly some farm animals…and that’s not a racist statement – it applies to white girls this size also….and really, a lot of dudes love big girls overpowring them. I know at least one skinny white dude who seeks this shit out…big black girls suffocating him out…true story… I know Ghostbusters sucked, people blamed her…it was a terrible idea. I know some people find her comedy brilliant. I know lots of ppl went racist on her on twitter – making Harambe jokes…and I know what she may look like taking it up the ass…..GRAPHIC… I also know this may get me sued…so we will say it’s PROBABLY NOT Leslie Jones….it can’t be Leslie Jones….we don’t need to s this – but if the lawyers come at me – we will know the truth…. The post Lesly Jones’ Alleged Hacked Photos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lesly Jones’ Alleged Hacked Photos of the Day

Lesly Jones’ Alleged Hacked Photos of the Day

I don’t know if this is Leslie Jones….or if it is a prank cuz a story of her pics being hacked…I know that any fat black girl could pass for her…and possibly some farm animals…and that’s not a racist statement – it applies to white girls this size also….and really, a lot of dudes love big girls overpowring them. I know at least one skinny white dude who seeks this shit out…big black girls suffocating him out…true story… I know Ghostbusters sucked, people blamed her…it was a terrible idea. I know some people find her comedy brilliant. I know lots of ppl went racist on her on twitter – making Harambe jokes…and I know what she may look like taking it up the ass…..GRAPHIC… I also know this may get me sued…so we will say it’s PROBABLY NOT Leslie Jones….it can’t be Leslie Jones….we don’t need to s this – but if the lawyers come at me – we will know the truth…. The post Lesly Jones’ Alleged Hacked Photos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lesly Jones’ Alleged Hacked Photos of the Day

It Wasn’t Me: Miss Jackson Says Pics Her And Floyd Coupled Up On Instagram Were Posted By Hacker

Floyd , her hacker is out of control. Miss Jackson Still Being Hacked Floyd’s ex jawn Princess Love said he hacked her social media accounts and now he is allegedly continuing to do the same thing to Miss Jackson when this lovey dovey pic of she and her boo were posted on Instagram. When will these women learn? So is Floyd still smashing Miss Jackson’s cakes to smithereens? Instagram

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It Wasn’t Me: Miss Jackson Says Pics Her And Floyd Coupled Up On Instagram Were Posted By Hacker