Tag Archives: still-working

Fat Ariel Winter Still Working Out of the Day

Fat Ariel Winter is really into showing the world that she’s into working out to offset the fact that she’s chubby, neckless, weird looking, with massive tits she keeps getting surgically removed…because she just keeps on eating… But if she shows you her working out, it means she’s healthy and fit…with her sloppy young body!! I always like the fat girls at the gym, who try so hard to get fit, but they just never quite get there because cake is so good…and they are lazy…it’s a fetish….better than just fat girls sitting on the toilet eating baked goods…. The post Fat Ariel Winter Still Working Out of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Fat Ariel Winter Still Working Out of the Day

Lesly Jones’ Alleged Hacked Photos of the Day

I don’t know if this is Leslie Jones….or if it is a prank cuz a story of her pics being hacked…I know that any fat black girl could pass for her…and possibly some farm animals…and that’s not a racist statement – it applies to white girls this size also….and really, a lot of dudes love big girls overpowring them. I know at least one skinny white dude who seeks this shit out…big black girls suffocating him out…true story… I know Ghostbusters sucked, people blamed her…it was a terrible idea. I know some people find her comedy brilliant. I know lots of ppl went racist on her on twitter – making Harambe jokes…and I know what she may look like taking it up the ass…..GRAPHIC… I also know this may get me sued…so we will say it’s PROBABLY NOT Leslie Jones….it can’t be Leslie Jones….we don’t need to s this – but if the lawyers come at me – we will know the truth…. The post Lesly Jones’ Alleged Hacked Photos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lesly Jones’ Alleged Hacked Photos of the Day

Rat Cow Nude and Slutty of the Day

Emily Rat Cow is garbage. Last week’s kitchen garbage. Just played out, used up and already past around and exhausted…that pussy is prolapsed hanging halfway down her leg after the gangbang that is running train on her… But she’s still working it, keep this alive as long as she can, don’t let it end just yet – she still has followers so keep them happy….with her ass… An ass I would lick back to health after that gangbang because this love is real. The post Rat Cow Nude and Slutty of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rat Cow Nude and Slutty of the Day

Bella Thorne Still on Snapchat of the Day

In case you were worried, since Bella Thorne hasn’t been on the site in the last few days, Bella Thorne still exists, she is not dead, in fact, she’s probably on her way to Coachella like every other LA based hooker… She’s still working social media in a friendly yet slutty way, she’s still doing fitness porn, or jokingly posting pics of her ass, so that it seems like she’s making fun of people who post pics of their asses, while posting pics of her ass… And I’m still convinced she’s a 40 year old mom, not an 18 year old slut, with good BOTOX who works out a lot trolling us with her body, because it’s so easy to do…and has always been her dream to be a starlet…and its’ working – this BITCH is peaking…and I’m into it… I know – Not Slutty enough.. The post Bella Thorne Still on Snapchat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne Still on Snapchat of the Day

Pay Yourself

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  Have you ever wondered why your 65+ coworker is still working just as hard as you in your 20’s? Well lack of retirement planning has a lot to do with it. Recent studies show that there has been a decline in retirement planning. Working and not putting anything away for your future is an […]

Pay Yourself

Bella Thorne is Still Working Snapchat of the Day

In case you were wondering….Bella Thorne’s got this all figured out. I mean sure it only took her until she turned 40 to figure out the right kind of “whoring” for attention without coming across as a slut, but rather a marketable, fun young, rockin’ body redhead….who pretends to be recently turned 18….and she’s pretty much fucking killin’ it…so I support the scam that is her…while staring at her ass that I can’t believe an 18 year old is capable of having…hormones in the food, that I’d rather have dripping off my face… The post Bella Thorne is Still Working Snapchat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne is Still Working Snapchat of the Day

Heidi Klum in a Bikini of the Dday

Heidi Klum is 100 years old in model years, 50 in human years, 350 in dog years…and one in hot retired models… She still has a rockin body in her bikini, and the body is what you look at, as faces can be botoxed to shit and don’t count, but body, that takes work.. It’s amazing that her pussy was blown the fuck out by SEAL….because you know it was blown the fuck out by SEAL…and not just from the SEAL PUPS she squirted out…but the process in creating those SEAL PUPS… And I guess what I am saying is – Ethnic Cleansing….from the 40s in Germany…at there most famous camp, that wasn’t the same Jewish camp all you Jewish kids went to…it’s a different one….that I think created science that made this… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Heidi Klum in a Bikini of the Dday appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Heidi Klum in a Bikini of the Dday

Nicole Scherzinger’s Nipple of the Day

Original Bruce Jenner…only never confirmed..Nicole Scherzinger…still has a rocking body, because I guess when you have a good amount of testosterone to estorgen ratio…and some fake tits, you can stay ripped in your “transition”… Unlike Bruce Jenner, she hasn’t confirmed anything for the reality show, it may work against her fucking rich dudes, but rich dudes love trannies, but maybe they like keeping that secret… But like Bruce Jenner, she’s waited until people don’t care about her before pulling out the tit. The post Nicole Scherzinger’s Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nicole Scherzinger’s Nipple of the Day

Anna Kendrick in a Bikini Top of the Day

One of the many things I don’t understand about hollywood, pop culture, things that are famous….things that make money…things that go viral…is Anna Kendrick.. If you told me she was a camp councillor at 35, or still working on her bachelor degree because she can’t pass one of her classes in “communications”…with big dreams of working the local news weather desk….or even if she worked a daycare, or a waitress at a chain restuarant, not even something trendy…I would believe you.. But here she is, one of the biggest, most high paid, award winning….actresses…. Proving there is no justice…in this world… But there are bikinis, so we can just focus on those. The post Anna Kendrick in a Bikini Top of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Anna Kendrick in a Bikini Top of the Day

T.I. Explains How Hip Hop Gives Kids New Views on Current Events

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T.I. is a busy man. He’s still working singles from his Paperwork album, promoting the upcoming films Get Hard and Ant Man, and preparing for…

T.I. Explains How Hip Hop Gives Kids New Views on Current Events