Tag Archives: recently-turned

Mckayla Maroney Olympic Dream of the Day

Mckayla Maroney brings the olympic dreams…not quite as well as Lindsey Vonn did in the recent leaked nudes of hers all thick legged and ready to go skiing for her sponsors / black boyfriends who she likes to get banged out by thanks to a larger left labia and an sturdy fucking athletic thigh that can take a beating…but Olympic none the less…you know no longer underage for the creeps, recently turned thick, because that’s the trend in girls these days, all cock teasing as she’s done since day one, because that’s just the kind of attention seeker she is…Olympic gold was just a way to build an audience of men into jerking off to her…and it’s weird because she started that cheeky half naked teasing early on in her underage fame and it always made me feel awkward, but now at 20, fair game big titty you don’t normally seen on gymnasts shamelessness I appreciate… Looking like Kyle / Bruce Jenner – face injections or whatever…taking the Olympic dream to the now… The post Mckayla Maroney Olympic Dream of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Mckayla Maroney Olympic Dream of the Day

Mckayla Maroney Olympic Dream of the Day

Mckayla Maroney brings the olympic dreams…not quite as well as Lindsey Vonn did in the recent leaked nudes of hers all thick legged and ready to go skiing for her sponsors / black boyfriends who she likes to get banged out by thanks to a larger left labia and an sturdy fucking athletic thigh that can take a beating…but Olympic none the less…you know no longer underage for the creeps, recently turned thick, because that’s the trend in girls these days, all cock teasing as she’s done since day one, because that’s just the kind of attention seeker she is…Olympic gold was just a way to build an audience of men into jerking off to her…and it’s weird because she started that cheeky half naked teasing early on in her underage fame and it always made me feel awkward, but now at 20, fair game big titty you don’t normally seen on gymnasts shamelessness I appreciate… Looking like Kyle / Bruce Jenner – face injections or whatever…taking the Olympic dream to the now… The post Mckayla Maroney Olympic Dream of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Mckayla Maroney Olympic Dream of the Day

Kylie Jenner Takes Boobs & Butt on Vacation, Posts Constant Bikini Pics

Last week, Kylie Jenner turned 19 . It wasn't as monumental as when she turned 18 last year, as that occasion was surrounded by rumors that Kylie would pose for Playboy once she reached the legal age. Obviously, that didn't turn out to be the case, but Kylizzle still knows how to give her fans what they want. She vacationed in Turks & Caicos to celebrate the big 1-9, and naturally, the trip resulted in plenty of Kylie bikini pics . Without further ado, here are the highlights: 1. Kylie Jenner: Check Out My Boobs! When Kylie Jenner goes on vacation, she takes her bikinis and her iPhone with her. It’s her gift to us all. 2. Kylie and Kendall Bikini Photo Kendall may be the model in the family. But on her birthday vacay, it was Kylie’s time to shine. 3. Kylie Jenner: Bathing Suit Cleavage Kylie Jenner recently turned 19. Naturally, she celebrated with some VERY revealing selfies. 4. Kylie Jenner’s Butt in a Bikini Nothing we haven’t seen before. But it’s still always worth a look. 5. Kylie Jenner: Bikini Selfie Number Bajillion Kylie likes her bikini selfies. And for that, we thank her. 6. Kylie Jenner: Dat Ass Kylie Jenner knows her best assets. After all, she’s an heir to the empire that butts built. View Slideshow

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Kylie Jenner Takes Boobs & Butt on Vacation, Posts Constant Bikini Pics

Cindy Crawford and Her Daughter in Vogue Paris of the Day

Cindy Crawford daughter, and heir to the Gerber Baby empire, not to mention her mom’s empire, and her dad’s restaurant empire, are just the prettier, more delicate version of the Kardashians. I don’t know whether this is Cindy Crawford whoring out her kid, to make her a social media sweetheart that her vapid and superficial ego adores because it crawled out of her vagina, or if it is Cindy Crawford pulling the mom competing with her daughter shit you see in every rich part of down / Lulu Lemon store… I just know that if I was in Cindy Crawford’s place, I wouldn’t call my friends to rope her into the celebrity, instagram star life…even if it makes stupid money… I would get her a job waiting tables at the Dad’s restaurant or some shit, but I guess when you’re Hollywood, you can’t have that, it looks bad to their social circle “did you hear the Gerber’s make their daughter waitress”…so instead, get her the modeling contract, and turn her into a bootleg version of you, so that you can live on forever, and cash the fuck out forever…it’s pretty terrible…but she’s a 16 year old in Shorts..exploited by her mom…doing what she thinks she likes…and you like that… The post Cindy Crawford and Her Daughter in Vogue Paris of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Cindy Crawford and Her Daughter in Vogue Paris of the Day

Rumored Bella Thorne Leaked Pics of the Day

These are supposed to be some “leaked’ pics of Bella Thorne, who isn’t leaking anything, except from her pussy from the excitement of pretty much taking over social media in a matter of months by being clever – not super clever…just clever.. Bella Thorne is my favorite 40 year old who pretends to be recently turned 18, because it makes sense for her career and dudes fucking love a young fresh girl with a fit body, more than a tired mom with a tight body.. I get hate mail for saying the same thing about her everyday, but she doesn’t get hate mail for doing the same thing everyday, and that’s posing casually slutty, but not too slutty, always with a smile, to make it seem less slutty and I am all about the final product…which is slutty pics..because they are what work…for me, for everyone, for life…and I think that is what easter is all about… These are supposed to be leaked pics of her… Here’s her new lame Tattoo… Here’s her Boob Sweat… Here she is in Nylon… The post Rumored Bella Thorne Leaked Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rumored Bella Thorne Leaked Pics of the Day

Bella Thorne is Still Working Snapchat of the Day

In case you were wondering….Bella Thorne’s got this all figured out. I mean sure it only took her until she turned 40 to figure out the right kind of “whoring” for attention without coming across as a slut, but rather a marketable, fun young, rockin’ body redhead….who pretends to be recently turned 18….and she’s pretty much fucking killin’ it…so I support the scam that is her…while staring at her ass that I can’t believe an 18 year old is capable of having…hormones in the food, that I’d rather have dripping off my face… The post Bella Thorne is Still Working Snapchat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne is Still Working Snapchat of the Day

Chloe Grace Moretz Does Pilates and is Good of the Day

Here’s a firm…muscular…ass of an action star who just recently turned 18 so she should have a firm…muscular…ass… But unfortunately for anyone who hates fat chicks, that’s not really a given anymore, 18 year olds aren’t the “she’s 18, at her prime, able to eat anything”…but rather the “she’s 18, how did she get so fat, I guess she’s been eating a long fucking time for this”… What I am saying is that girls not born in hollywood, who don’t aspire to be instagram stars…at 18…aren’t more looking like some 45 year old mom…all dumpy and fat…and if that’s not an attack on freedom – I don’t know what is… Luckily, girls like this exist, where being vapid, hollywood, vain…pays off in movie roles and giving us hope of a more fit tomorrow… What I’m saying is she looks hot in this position…and if you don’t like her…here’s someone named Mary something Wilstead, never heard of her, doing some hippie shit.. The post Chloe Grace Moretz Does Pilates and is Good of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Chloe Grace Moretz Does Pilates and is Good of the Day

Hailey Baldwin’s 18 Year Old Ass of the Day

Hailey Baldwin proves that if you merge a Baldwin with a Brazilian model…. You don’t have to end up with some potato headed Irish looking overrated monster… But instead a recently turned 18, rich kid in that lame Jenner rich kid scene…who has been rumored to be fucking Bieber since she was under 18…because Bieber is a sex offender…assuming he’s not a faggot…because he seems like a faggot…but the fact that he’s rumored to be getting up in this small round young ass in short shorts that know exactly what they are doing…may prove otherwise… This girl may just be some instagram famous with a famous last name…and father…but her body is nice and ridiculous… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Hailey Baldwin’s 18 Year Old Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hailey Baldwin’s 18 Year Old Ass of the Day

Actor Marcus T. Paulk Behind Bars After Domestic Violence Incident


  “Moesha” star Marcus T. Paulk is all grown up and getting in trouble. Paulk recently turned himself in to police for allegedly attacking his…

Actor Marcus T. Paulk Behind Bars After Domestic Violence Incident

Bogus Bolitics: Another GOP Congressman Says Shady Azz Todd Akin’s “Legitimate Rape” Comments Were Partly Right

GOP Congressman Says Todd Akin’s Legitimate Rape Comments Were ‘Partly Right’ If you thought we’d at least be able to make it through the end of the first month of 2013 without a GOP goon making a ridiculously insensitive comment, you thought wrong. Republican rambler Phil Gingrey took the opportunity to flashback on the most hated comment of 2012…..and co-sign it. via MSNBC Another day, another inflammatory rape comment from the GOP. Republican Rep. Phil Gingrey of Georgia is coming under the microscope for arguing failed Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin was “partially right” on his eyebrow-raising remarks about “legitimate rape.” Akin, during his 2012 campaign, infamously argued that women’s bodies have the capability of avoiding pregnancy if the rape is “legitimate.” Gingrey, a former OB/GYN and co-chair of the House GOP Doctors caucus, told a crowd at a Chamber of Commerce breakfast in Atlanta, that he used to advise couples having trouble getting pregnant to “Just relax. Drink a glass of wine. And don’t be so tense and uptight, because all that adrenaline can cause you not to ovulate.’ So [Akin] was partially right, wasn’t he?” Gingrey’s comments were first reported by the Marietta Daily Journal, which posted audio of the talk. He continued, “The fact that a woman may have already ovulated 12 hours before she is raped, you’re not going to prevent a pregnancy there by a woman’s body shutting anything down because the horse has already left the barn, so to speak. And yet the media took that and tore it apart. Mitt Romney also didn’t help much. Todd Akin is a good man.” SMH. The blind leading the bling over in the wonderful world of the GOP.

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Bogus Bolitics: Another GOP Congressman Says Shady Azz Todd Akin’s “Legitimate Rape” Comments Were Partly Right