Tag Archives: inflammatory

Fun or Foul? “PIG POPPER” Game App Lets Players Shoot Pigs Disguised As Police

And the obstacles are civilians with their hands up saying “DON’T SHOOT!”… “PIG POPPER” App Lets Players Kill Alien Cops An iPhone/Android game is drawing a lot of attention in the wake of recent unrest surrounding police violence. PIG POPPER encourages players to blast “pig cops” into a bloody mess with their finger. In the game, alien pigs have taken over all of Earth’s police force. Now the pigs (dressed in everyday police uniform, SWAT gear, and detective outfits) are a threat to humanity and you must save the world by shooting them with your finger. From the iTunes App Description : Smash All PIGS with your finger! In year 2014, a highly intelligent race of Alien Pigs from the planet Porkuipter are on the verge of extinction. The Pigs travel from planet to planet looking for life form to help their dying race. After landing on Earth, the Porkupions are outraged to learn that pigs on Earth are no more than everyday meals. The Porkupions quickly devise a plan to take over Earth, safe their species, & prevent extinction. The Porkupions release alien sound waves through the entire World’s police dispatch systems. The alien sound waves quickly turn the law enforcement agencies around the World into Pigs. The Porkupions quickly outlaw pepperoni, sausage, and of course bacon. They’ve shut down farms. They’ve attacked grocery stores. Now the officers that were once sworn to protect and serve us have turned on civilians . Only you can help us now. Use special weapons to destroy the Pigs. Prevent the Pigs from taking over Earth. Visit the store for special power ups & weapons. You will need to defend us from this hostile take over. Destroy the Porkupions before they take over our major cities. Be careful they have hostages. Don’t harm any humans. It’s up to you now. SAVE THE WORLD! As for not hurting humans…there are some very strategically designed civilians that shuffle in front of and in-between the pig targets with their HANDS UP screaming “DON’T SHOOT!” Sound familiar at all? To add another layer, one in particular has been noted to look suspiciously like Mike Brown — in cartoon form of course: Hmmmm…what do you think Bossip fam? Is this inflammatory or just fun?

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Fun or Foul? “PIG POPPER” Game App Lets Players Shoot Pigs Disguised As Police

Bogus Bolitics: Another GOP Congressman Says Shady Azz Todd Akin’s “Legitimate Rape” Comments Were Partly Right

GOP Congressman Says Todd Akin’s Legitimate Rape Comments Were ‘Partly Right’ If you thought we’d at least be able to make it through the end of the first month of 2013 without a GOP goon making a ridiculously insensitive comment, you thought wrong. Republican rambler Phil Gingrey took the opportunity to flashback on the most hated comment of 2012…..and co-sign it. via MSNBC Another day, another inflammatory rape comment from the GOP. Republican Rep. Phil Gingrey of Georgia is coming under the microscope for arguing failed Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin was “partially right” on his eyebrow-raising remarks about “legitimate rape.” Akin, during his 2012 campaign, infamously argued that women’s bodies have the capability of avoiding pregnancy if the rape is “legitimate.” Gingrey, a former OB/GYN and co-chair of the House GOP Doctors caucus, told a crowd at a Chamber of Commerce breakfast in Atlanta, that he used to advise couples having trouble getting pregnant to “Just relax. Drink a glass of wine. And don’t be so tense and uptight, because all that adrenaline can cause you not to ovulate.’ So [Akin] was partially right, wasn’t he?” Gingrey’s comments were first reported by the Marietta Daily Journal, which posted audio of the talk. He continued, “The fact that a woman may have already ovulated 12 hours before she is raped, you’re not going to prevent a pregnancy there by a woman’s body shutting anything down because the horse has already left the barn, so to speak. And yet the media took that and tore it apart. Mitt Romney also didn’t help much. Todd Akin is a good man.” SMH. The blind leading the bling over in the wonderful world of the GOP.

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Bogus Bolitics: Another GOP Congressman Says Shady Azz Todd Akin’s “Legitimate Rape” Comments Were Partly Right

PSY Apologizes For "Kill Those F-ing Yankees" Anti-War Lyrics

“Gangnam Style” rapper PSY is in hot water over anti-American statements and lyrics he belted out at a 2004 anti-war protest concert came to light. Among the incendiary lyrics: “Kill those f–king Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives / Kill those f–king Yankees who ordered them to torture.” “Kill their daughters, mothers, daughter-in-law and fathers / Kill them all slowly and painfully.” Yeah. Not good. PSY, who has performed for U.S. troops in 2012 and is scheduled to perform later this month for President Barack Obama, quickly apologized and explained. The 34-year-old, whose “Gangnam Style” just became the most-watched video of all time , certainly isn’t on an invisible high horse, but rather broken up over this. PSY said that his harsh words came at a heated time, following the killing of two Korean schoolgirls, and do not reflect his views of America or its military. “As a proud South Korean who was educated in the United States and lived there for a very significant part of my life,” he said in a statement. “I understand the sacrifices American servicemen and women have made to protect freedom and democracy in my country and around the world.” “The song I was featured in – eight years ago – was part of a deeply emotional reaction to the war in Iraq and the killing of two Korean schoolgirls that was part of the strong, overall anti-war sentiment shared by others around the world at that time.” “While I’m grateful for the freedom to express one’s self, I’ve learned there are limits to what language is appropriate and I’m deeply sorry for how these lyrics could be interpreted.” “I will forever be sorry for any pain I have caused by those words.” “I have been honored to perform in front of American soldiers in recent months – including an appearance on the Jay Leno show specifically for them. I hope they and all Americans can accept my apology.” “While it’s important that we express our opinions, I deeply regret the inflammatory and inappropriate language I used to do so. In my music, I try to give people a release, a reason to smile.” “I have learned that thru music, our universal language we can all come together as a culture of humanity and I hope that you will accept my apology.” Well spoken at least, and it appears the White House accepts. A spokesman said Friday that the Obama family still plans to attend the December 21 Christmas in D.C. concert where PSY is scheduled to appear.

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PSY Apologizes For "Kill Those F-ing Yankees" Anti-War Lyrics

Glenn Beck compares ABC report to Nazi propaganda

Glenn Beck apparently doesn't buy into the adage that all press is good press. On Friday, the conservative host described a “Good Morning America” segment on the Lincoln Memorial rally he's holding Saturday — on the 47th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s “I Have a Dream” address at the same site — as a “hatchet job” and compared it to Nazi propaganda. ABC's Claire Shipman is one of many journalists who have reported on the criticism of Beck holding his “Restoring Honor” rally on the anniversary of the King speech. Beck says the timing is coincidental. Civil rights leaders and activists including the Rev. Al Sharpton will hold a countermarch and demonstration in Washington on the same day. Beck, along with his radio cohorts, took issue with a few parts of Shipman's report, including her saying that it “wasn't so long ago” that Beck called President Obama “a racist” on Fox News. (Beck made the inflammatory comment in late July 2009. Beck also later apologized for the comment.) Beck, who has criticized the rally backlash, was also bothered by ABC quoting him as saying that “blacks don't own Martin Luther King.” Beck says ABC edited the quote selectively, failing to mention he also said that “whites don't own Abraham Lincoln” and that both men are “American icons.” “That's what Goebbels did,” Beck said, referring to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister. “The truth didn't matter.” (A transcript of Beck's criticism is on his website.) Beck, like other cable news and talk radio hosts, gets paid millions while making over-the-top statements. But Beck is more likely than most to reach immediately for a Nazi comparison when trying to prove a point. The Washington Post noted in July that Beck often refers to the Third Reich on his Fox News show, counting 202 times since Obama's inauguration that Beck had referred to Nazis or Nazism and 147 references to Hitler. And he mentioned Goebbels 24 times during that period. Beck says that his rally, which will feature Sarah Palin and raise funds for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, is nonpolitical. The Restoring Honor website describes the event as a chance to pay tribute to service personnel and individuals who “embody our nation's founding principles of integrity, truth and honor.” added by: onemalefla

Jesse Jackson: Cavaliers Owner Sees LeBron as Runaway Slave

Jason Whitlock writes about the sports world from every angle, including those other writers can't imagine or muster courage to address. His columns are humorous, thought-provoking, agenda free, honest and unpredictable. You can e-mail Jason or follow him on Twitter. PRINT RSS Updated Jul 12, 2010 12:39 PM ET I could pretend Jesse Jackson speaks for such a tiny minority that his inflammatory, predictable and misguided remarks about LeBron James and Dan Gilbert are unworthy of rebuke. But then, I’d have to ignore the mountain of e-mails that poured into my laptop from African-American brothers and sisters making the same argument. Jesse has a constituency, a passionate group of idiots who believe the best way to combat white-wing political bigots such as Limbaugh and Hannity is with black-wing political bigotry. And so, in defense of LeBron’s narcissistic ego explosion and Gilbert’s emotional reaction to it, Jesse compared Gilbert to an 18th-century slave owner. “His feelings of betrayal personify a slave master mentality,” Jackson said in a statement released Sunday. “(Gilbert) sees LeBron as a runaway slave.” Yes, this is an attention grab by Rev. Jackson. He heard about ESPN’s impressive ratings for “The Decision” and, like a mafia don, wants to wet his beak. Why let Jim Gray and ESPN executives have all the fun exploiting LeBron’s naivete? There’s enough of LeBron’s carcass for Jesse to feast, too. And Gilbert’s childish letter to Cavaliers fans in the wake of LeBron’s departure gave Jackson the opening he needed to break out his knives and forks. “(Gilbert’s) accusations endanger LeBron,” Jackson wrote. “His jersey is being burned in effigy, and he is being projected as a betrayer by the owner. … LeBron is not a child, nor is he bound to play on Gilbert’s plantation and be demeaned.” added by: congoboy

Levi Johnston Says Sarah Palin Mocked Her Down Syndrome Baby; Palin Calls Him a Man-Whore

Levi Johnston is about to get totally undressed for a nude spread in Playgirl .

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Levi Johnston Says Sarah Palin Mocked Her Down Syndrome Baby; Palin Calls Him a Man-Whore