Tag Archives: players-kill

Fun or Foul? “PIG POPPER” Game App Lets Players Shoot Pigs Disguised As Police

And the obstacles are civilians with their hands up saying “DON’T SHOOT!”… “PIG POPPER” App Lets Players Kill Alien Cops An iPhone/Android game is drawing a lot of attention in the wake of recent unrest surrounding police violence. PIG POPPER encourages players to blast “pig cops” into a bloody mess with their finger. In the game, alien pigs have taken over all of Earth’s police force. Now the pigs (dressed in everyday police uniform, SWAT gear, and detective outfits) are a threat to humanity and you must save the world by shooting them with your finger. From the iTunes App Description : Smash All PIGS with your finger! In year 2014, a highly intelligent race of Alien Pigs from the planet Porkuipter are on the verge of extinction. The Pigs travel from planet to planet looking for life form to help their dying race. After landing on Earth, the Porkupions are outraged to learn that pigs on Earth are no more than everyday meals. The Porkupions quickly devise a plan to take over Earth, safe their species, & prevent extinction. The Porkupions release alien sound waves through the entire World’s police dispatch systems. The alien sound waves quickly turn the law enforcement agencies around the World into Pigs. The Porkupions quickly outlaw pepperoni, sausage, and of course bacon. They’ve shut down farms. They’ve attacked grocery stores. Now the officers that were once sworn to protect and serve us have turned on civilians . Only you can help us now. Use special weapons to destroy the Pigs. Prevent the Pigs from taking over Earth. Visit the store for special power ups & weapons. You will need to defend us from this hostile take over. Destroy the Porkupions before they take over our major cities. Be careful they have hostages. Don’t harm any humans. It’s up to you now. SAVE THE WORLD! As for not hurting humans…there are some very strategically designed civilians that shuffle in front of and in-between the pig targets with their HANDS UP screaming “DON’T SHOOT!” Sound familiar at all? To add another layer, one in particular has been noted to look suspiciously like Mike Brown — in cartoon form of course: Hmmmm…what do you think Bossip fam? Is this inflammatory or just fun?

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Fun or Foul? “PIG POPPER” Game App Lets Players Shoot Pigs Disguised As Police