Katy Perry Shades Taylor Swift At Kanye Concert Taylor Swift has beef with nearly half the music industry…and Katy Perry is no exception . The two have had a rift going for years over a shared ex-boyfriend, some stolen backup dancers, and general Hollywood pettiness. Katy rarely addresses the fact that they don’t get along directly…but she had a little time while attending Kanye’s St. Pablo Tour last night. Of course when it came time to declare exactly who made “that bish” Taylor famous… Katy’s Snap-thumb was ready: https://mobile.twitter.com/legendarymalek/status/791255146755940353?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Well, we know who’s NOT in the “squad.” Cue the countdown until Taylor pretends to be extra hurt by all this and writes a song about it… Splash/YouTube
Is there any limit to Kate Gosselin’s awfulness? Seriously, is there any line she won’t cross, any occasion that might possible make her go “nah, this is too terrible, even for me”? Because it’s really not looking like it. In case you missed her latest act of horror, some police reports she made last year have recently come to light — reports in which she seems to say whatever she can think of to destroy her ex, Jon Gosselin. First, we heard her claims that Jon is secretly a drug dealer . Specifically, “Jon is a drug dealer, who uses his disc jockey employment as a front to sell narcotics.” She also reported that Jon some kind of “inappropriate relationship” with their daughter , and if you think that’s horribly vague and a disgusting claim to make, well, you’d be right. “She detects suspicious behavior between Jonathan and their 10-year-old daughter,” the police report read. In another report , an officer wrote that “Katie said that she hired a private detective to follow Jonathan and she was aware that Jonathan was at [the children’s school] right now.” “[She] believed that Jonathan was guarding [Hannah] and feared that if he saw her or the police, he would take [her] out of school and flee.” The report goes on to state that Kate went to the school and Jon wasn’t there, but she took Hannah home, just in case. … What? That barely even makes sense, but shame on us for pretending like Kate Gosselin is a reasonable human being . And also, shame on us for being even a little bit shocked by this new revelation. In a brand new tidbit from Kate’s now-infamous police reports, we’re learning that Kate claimed Jon had a gun. And that she was afraid he might use it on her. This ties in with the “private investigator” nonsense we heard before: Kate thought Jon was creeping around Hannah’s school for weird, vague reasons, and she had to pick the girl up to take her to a counseling appointment. While she was driving to the school, she called the police to inform them that “Jonathan does have a firearm.” She also reportedly told them that “she feared that there would be a hostile dispute if she arrived at the school while he was there.” And then, as we’d heard, Kate showed up to the school and Jon wasn’t even there, armed or not. So not only did Kate tell police Jon was a drug dealer, not only did she claim he had an “inappropriate relationship” with their daughter, not only did she claim he kidnapped the girl, but she also said that he had a gun and he might shoot her. What is wrong with her? Serious question. Is she just that disturbed that she feels the need to make all these horrific accusations against her former husband? Is Jon actually guilty of all these terrible things, and Kate is so unlikable that it makes her unbelievable? Clearly, the only solution is that we stop hearing from any and all Gosselins forever.
Celebrity beefs don’t get much better than the ongoing feud between Katy Perry and Taylor Swift . Sure, we’ve seen more vicious and more violent feuds over the years, but the Cold War quality of this one is part of what makes it so entertaining. Over the past year we’ve seen Katy and Taylor master the art of subtle shade. Sure Taylor wrote an entire freakin’ song about Katy , but for the most part the hostilities have remained low key, yet unmistakable to the trained eye. Whether they’re firing low key shots in interviews or posting passive aggressive memes, the whole thing has been a joy to watch. These women have taken pettiness to a new level and we applaud them for it. Taylor has been keeping a relatively low profile ever since the Taylor Swift Hell Week over the summer that had many of Katy’s millions of Twitter followers reveling in what they believed to be the singer’s downfall. But Katy understands that the great generals of history didn’t relent simply because their opponent was on the run. Through it all she’s waged a much more subtle form of combat than Taylor, but she surprised fans by launching a full-blown smart bomb of shade on Twitter last night. As you can see, Katy attended Kanye West’s concert in Los Angeles, and she recorded herself rocking out to a song that has special meaning to her nemesis: Katy recording herself during Kanye’s Taylor lyrics