Back in February, Audrey Roloff wrote three sentences about Jeremy Roloff . It was part of the hashtag movement titled “#3sentencelovestory,” or else we’re sure Audrey could have written many more. Now, along similar lines, the Little People, Big World star has posted an extra special selfie of her and her husband, including with its a detailed explanation of just why it’s so very special. “This was a pivotal day in our love story,” wrote Audrey to open her caption, adding in further detail: “It signified the end of friend-zone, and the day that fanned the spark of our love into a captivating flame.” Whoa there, Auds! TMI Alert! We’re just kidding. That’s actually a very sweet and poetic sentence…and also an appropriate one, considering the couple has named its daughter Ember and that word is typically associated with a flame. “I remember every single detail that proceeded this selfie as if it happened yesterday,” Roloff continued, prior to listing said details as follows: Jeremy putting on the science goggles for the day’s adventure because he thought it would be funny, our frizzed curls, my eyes growing wider and my knees growing weaker, deep talks and silent walks, the taste of sun-warmed cherries, and the sound of the coyotes echoing through the rolling hills of Helvetia. It was the day I became Daisy Braids. Audrey and Jeremy got married on September 20, 2014. As Audrey explains above, the stars were just friends for awhile before things turned hotter, heavier and, we presume, sexier. They now have a precious eight-month old daughter and one of the most stable marriages on television. Heck, Jeremy and Audrey even have a book in the works that outlines their romantic history and offers advice to others lookingto find love or maintain love. We can’t wait to read it. “Although this is not my FIRST Instagram post, in lieu of nostalgia, I just had to share it,” concluded Audrey in her caption. (We’re pretty sure she doesn’t know the meaning of the phrase “in lieu of,” based on the way she used it here. But we’ll let that slide.) There’s been talk of late that Little People, Big World may end soon because Matt Roloff is moving to Arizona. If this is true, here’s what we want to know: Would you watch a spinoff that centers around Audrey and Jeremy? That’s a pretty great idea, is it not?!? Someone get TLC on the phone! View Slideshow: Audrey and Jeremy Roloff: 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Us
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Audrey Roloff Shares Extra Special Selfie, Reflects on Personal Love Story