Tag Archives: personal-world

For The Ladies: The Questions He Hopes You Never Ask

Women are naturally better communicators than men and therefore tend to ask more emotional questions. But, have you ever realized how angry a man can get after playing 21 questions? When it comes to relationships, most women want to know everything that a man is thinking and his secrets are considered little enemies capable of ruining their relationship. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, it’s absolutely necessary for each partner to have his or her own personal world, thoughts, feelings and boundaries that belong to him or her and no one else. So what are you supposed to do to still be involved in your man’s life, but not pry and end up scaring him away? The first step would be to avoid, or be cautious asking him these 7 questions… Continue reading at MadameNoire.com

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For The Ladies: The Questions He Hopes You Never Ask