Tag Archives: petro-maradze

Man kills himself after being caught having sex with a chicken

A 73-year-old Zimbabwe man felt so ashamed that his wife caught him having sex with a chicken that he took his own life. Police say Grace Maradze, 61, told how she couldn’t believe her eyes the moment she walked into her kitchen and found her husband, Petro, performing a sex act with a live chicken on his penis. “His wife stormed into the kitchen during his intimacy with the chicken,” an investigator told reporters. “He failed to give a satisfactory explanation as he was caught in the act.” Moments later, the woman became furious and began quarreling with her mortified husband. “He disappeared as his wife was hurling abuse at him and never came back alive,” an investigator said. Two days later the shamed man’s body was seen hanging from a tree. Police have ruled his death a suicide. “Petro Maradze of Mafuke Village decided to take his own life after the shame of being caught in the act of bestiality with a chicken by his wife.” http://www.tabloidprodigy.com/?p=15623 added by: knowandtell