Tag Archives: pharma-because

Natalie Portman’s Bare Ass in a Movie of the Day

I don’t know if this really qualifies as a pic of Nat Portman’s bare ass, but she looks like she’s naked on the beach in this move, so I guess it does count, I’m just desensitized from the media and need gaping asshole being inserted to tighten up her mom pussy pics – to actually care…while this is just weird to me… But lucky for Natalie Portman, she’s Natalie Portman, the Hot Jewish icon to Jewish men everywhere, hoping they one day find their Natalie Portman….the beacon of hope that there are other hot Jewish girls out there…and there are…I’ve fucked a few of them…and they all had big tits…not that Natalie Portman, your favorite Star Wars star, RIP Carrie Fisher, and a mom of at least one…or maybe two kids….has big tits…but she’s still Jewish…and that’s ok…unless you’re a racist American who think her people control tech, entertainment, finance, the media, medicine, pharma.. because they do..but from your white sheet wearing trailer park party…where you wrestle lawn furniture…that there seems like a conspiracy…like calling this pic of her ass a pic of her ass…it’s clearly not ass enough The post Natalie Portman’s Bare Ass in a Movie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Natalie Portman’s Bare Ass in a Movie of the Day