Tag Archives: phasing-out

Are Manufacturers to Blame For Consumers Passing Over Greener Gadgets?

Photo by botheredByBees Electronics manufacturers have been giving a lot of lip service the past few years to the greener side of their gadgets. By reducing energy consumption of devices, beginning a phase out of toxic chemicals, reducing packaging waste and amping up recycling programs, they’re hoping to at least appear like they’re cleaning up an very environmentally damaging industry. However, consumers are still slow to buy the greener gadget options when faced with choices in the store. Whose fault is it — the consumers or … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Are Manufacturers to Blame For Consumers Passing Over Greener Gadgets?

IKEA to Phase-Out Incandescents Starting August 1st, 2010

Photo: Flickr , CC First U.S. Retailer to Phase Out the Bulb Starting August 1st, 2010, IKEA will start phasing out incandescent bulbs (which are a lot more effective at producing heat than light) from its U.S. stores, with the goal of having completely eliminated the bulb by January 1st, 2011. But IKEA isn’t only doing this out of concern for the environment: “The IKEA phase out will come in advance of the federal legislation that will begin to phase out incandescent light bulbs in 2012.” Why are they doing this and w… Read the full story on TreeHugger

IKEA to Phase-Out Incandescents Starting August 1st, 2010