Tag Archives: manufacturers

Consumers, Meet Producers: Abe’s Market Lets Buyers Get to Know, Appreciate, Interact with Manufacturers

Image via Abe’s Market Do you ever wonder who makes the stuff you buy? Ever want that farmer’s market feel, where you connect with the source of what you’re buying, but for all the non-food goods in your life? That satisfaction is increasingly hard to come by, especially as we turn to the internet and major chain retailers for more and more of our shopping, but Abe’s Market is changing that. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Consumers, Meet Producers: Abe’s Market Lets Buyers Get to Know, Appreciate, Interact with Manufacturers

2012 Audi R8 e-tron First Impressions

The sky, space in fact, is the limit! The electrification of the automobile will bring tremendous change with benefits that far outweigh the downsides. I'm talking about performance, handling, the all-important fun-to-drive factor and, as a bonus, no emissions from the tailpipes. The electric car need not be boring. Audi, and many other manufacturers, are seeing to that. They may not be alone on this crusade, but Audi will bring its own unique signature twists to as many of these products as it can. added by: johnson812

kantiwala in India (nosepin in india)

we are Manufacturers Wholesalers of A.D nosepin, bali, fancy tops, soyadora,pendent sets, A.D. ramakada (loose material) and all types of Rajkot casting items(SARKARSS001613)

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kantiwala in India (nosepin in india)

Virginia state fair 2010 schedule

Former Washington Redskin Defensive End Charles Mann will also be at the Anthem activity zone on Saturday, Sept. 25 from noon to 3 p.m. Mann is a two-time Super Bowl champion, four-time Pro Bowler and a former “Washingtonian of the Year.” WHAT: HealthFair screening bus, Health Footprint calculator stations and fun, interactive activities for the whole family WHERE: Meadow Event Park, off Interstate 95 Doswell-Kings Dominion-State Fair exit in Caroline County ,State Fair of Virginia, Doswell,

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Virginia state fair 2010 schedule

Wisconsin Requiring Electronics Manufacturers to Pay for E-Waste

Photo via zappowbang Lawmakers have started taking a stronger stance with electronics manufacturers, requiring them to accept more responsibility for the end-of-life handling of the gadgets they produce. The recent noise in New York between city and state officials and manufacturers helped set the stage for other states to push companies into pulling their weight in the recycling of electronics — the long-term effect of which cou… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Wisconsin Requiring Electronics Manufacturers to Pay for E-Waste

Are Manufacturers to Blame For Consumers Passing Over Greener Gadgets?

Photo by botheredByBees Electronics manufacturers have been giving a lot of lip service the past few years to the greener side of their gadgets. By reducing energy consumption of devices, beginning a phase out of toxic chemicals, reducing packaging waste and amping up recycling programs, they’re hoping to at least appear like they’re cleaning up an very environmentally damaging industry. However, consumers are still slow to buy the greener gadget options when faced with choices in the store. Whose fault is it — the consumers or … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Are Manufacturers to Blame For Consumers Passing Over Greener Gadgets?

Palm Pre headed to Verizon next year

Verizon executives noted this week that the phone carrier will begin selling the Palm Pre in 2010, after the smartphone is no longer exclusive to Sprint . Denny Strigl, Verizon’s president and operating chief, during a quarterly conference call with analysts, added that the company will also offer an updated Blackberry Storm and an Android -based phone.

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Palm Pre headed to Verizon next year