Tag Archives: these-products

Bella Thorne’s Bikini Video of the Day

Bella Thorne is another one of these products of an country with serious sex offending laws. You know the kind of place where banging a 16 or 17 year old is illegal, despite many people, including women who were once 16 or 17, saying that their body was at its prime at 16 or 17… Not to mention, if you ask most girls who they were fucking at 16 or 17, chances are they will say someone in their 20s…because that’s just the way humanity works…. Yet shit is made illegal, and creepers want to creep, because it seems like forbidden fruit, even though the truth behind the 16 or 17 year old is that they are the fuckin worst, and you’re far better off with a 25 year old who maintains her fitness… I mean 16 or 17 year olds don’t know how to handle life, or sex, or really anything…and being a baby sitter to some annoying girl, who probably can’t get off seems annoying as fuck to me… That’s probably why I look at these girls working it for their old creepy dad fan base…objectively…and I just don’t get excited…because in Canada you can bang 16 year olds, and I don’t…. Sure, I see a hot young body, sure, but there are hot bodies everywhere…the rest of her, except maybe her older sister who feels second rate next to her, because she’s the one their stage parents is disappointed in because they didn’t have kids to not monetize off of…and whenever a sibling feels second rate, they are better to fuck. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Bella Thorne’s Bikini Video of the Day

2012 Audi R8 e-tron First Impressions

The sky, space in fact, is the limit! The electrification of the automobile will bring tremendous change with benefits that far outweigh the downsides. I'm talking about performance, handling, the all-important fun-to-drive factor and, as a bonus, no emissions from the tailpipes. The electric car need not be boring. Audi, and many other manufacturers, are seeing to that. They may not be alone on this crusade, but Audi will bring its own unique signature twists to as many of these products as it can. added by: johnson812

Green Your Kid’s Packed School Lunch: The Buy Guide (Slideshow)

Photo via Goodbyn Back-to-school means new notebooks, new backpacks, and, of course, a new lunchbox. But this year, trade plastic superheroes and disposable paper bags for lunch accessories and kits that mean less waste, more durability, and a prime spot for your kid at the coolest lunch table in the cafeteria. A packed lunch can also be much cheaper and healthier than the standard french fry heavy school fare. From compartmentalized boxes and reusable stainless steel containers to organic cloth napkins and the classic spork, these products will send … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Green Your Kid’s Packed School Lunch: The Buy Guide (Slideshow)