Tag Archives: state-fair

Anthony Bourdain Slaps Down Justin Bieber: What a Punk!

Anthony Bourdain – who was on to Paula Deen before the rest of the world was on to Paula Deen – has come out with some VERY harsh words for Justin Bieber. The celebrity chef can stand for many things… but Bieber dared to disrespect a restaurant kitchen in a disgusting video from last year that’s gone viral, leading Bourdain to shred the singer apart on Twitter. “The chef should have put his foot up this young punk’s ass,” Bourdain said of the peeing incident caught on tape , adding: “My dishwasher ain’t cleaning that up, squirrel balls!” The Travel Channel star went on to bash Bieber’s career prospects, Tweeting: “Looking forward to seeing him open for Menudo at the State Fair – in about ten years.” And he concluded his rant with the following hilarious zinger: “In a preemptive strike, I plan to tell my daughter that Justin Beiber tortures puppies.” Sadly, the way Justin is going these days, that might not even be a lie in the near future.

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Anthony Bourdain Slaps Down Justin Bieber: What a Punk!

Four More Beers: President Obama Grabs Some Buds at Iowa State Fair

With V.P. nominee Paul Ryan energizing the Republican base and Joe Biden trying to rile up … well, everybody, President Obama campaigned for reelection at the Iowa State Fair yesterday, making his case to voters the old-fashioned way: Giving away free beers at the Budweiser tent. Barack actually yelled to the crowd, “Hey, everybody who’s over 21, you gotta buy a beer!” Obama then bought 12 – two for himself, 10 for people in line behind him. Obama’s appearance was a poorly-kept secret, drawing thousands of fans, and creating security nightmares at the Hawkeye State’s popular annual event. But come on, a free beer from the Prez? Totally worth it. Watch a couple of videos of his visit after the jump … Obama at Iowa State Fair

On September 5th 2010 Justin came to the State Fair near where I…

On September 5th 2010 Justin came to the State Fair near where I live. Mallory and Carlee, 2 of my cousins, came all the was from PA just to see him in concert with me! This was an outside concert and standing only. You had to wake up and camp out SUPER early to get colored wristbands. The colors had times and locations on them, this was when you were allowed into the concert area. The earlier you got in line, the earlier you got to get in, the closer you are to the stage. We woke up REALLY early the day of the concert to get in line, but when we got there, the line was already so long. We we’re so upset because we thought we would be at the very back of the concert crowd. We waited in line for hours. We got purple bands meaning we would be far. This all happened at 10am and we were awake since 5am. At 11:11am, I told my two cousins to “make a wish!” Of course we all wished for the same, most logical thing! TO MEET JUSTIN BIEBER!  We got back to the fair, and there was  NO  parking. We knew we had to meet in a certain location according to our bands so I went up to this security guy and said, “Where do the purple bands go?” he said “Right here!” so we followed a few people right onto the field and stood in this line. We thought everything was right. Then this guy came out and said, ”Ok, we are taking the pictures & JUSTIN is not signing Autographs! You do not need markers out!” The 3 of us looked at each other & screamed! WHAT DID HE JUST SAY!? Thats right! We were accidentally put in the meet & greet line because meet & greet people had purple bands too, just not the same writing on them. We turned the corner and there he was! We got our picture with him and I was the last of our group to leave so I asked him for hug (he was sick and not supposed to hug) but he said YES! The good luck didn’t end there, since the meet & greet was on the field we got to get our places to stand! So instead of the very back we got front row! THANK YOU JUSTIN BIEBER & the guy that told us the wrong place.  Love, The 3 cousins:  Kacie, Mallory & Carlee Read more from the original source: On September 5th 2010 Justin came to the State Fair near where I…

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On September 5th 2010 Justin came to the State Fair near where I…

Check Out ‘USDA Approved’ Jungle George’s Maggot Sandwiches!


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You’ve brought the family to the State Fair and after a long day of bouncing from booth to booth in the hot sun, there is nothing like a freshly-grilled Maggot Sandwich to refuel your system and silence hunger pangs. The Maggot Sandwich is not something served to castaways on “Survivor.” The combination of grilled maggots on a bun are the invention of food cart owner “Jungle” George Sandefur of “Jungle… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 06/09/2011 18:09 Number of articles : 2

Check Out ‘USDA Approved’ Jungle George’s Maggot Sandwiches!

Romney Heckled by Liberal Activists at Iowa Fair


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The Democratic National Committee is circulating this Associated Press report about Mitt Romney’s “shouting match with crowd at Iowa fair.” The AP reports: Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney faced a rowdy crowd at the Iowa State Fair Thursday, with people interrupting his answers to chant “Wall Street greed” and him snapping “corporations are people, my friend.” One questioner asked the GOP presidential… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Weekly Standard Blog Discovery Date : 11/08/2011 19:49 Number of articles : 3

Romney Heckled by Liberal Activists at Iowa Fair

Virginia state fair 2010 schedule

Former Washington Redskin Defensive End Charles Mann will also be at the Anthem activity zone on Saturday, Sept. 25 from noon to 3 p.m. Mann is a two-time Super Bowl champion, four-time Pro Bowler and a former “Washingtonian of the Year.” WHAT: HealthFair screening bus, Health Footprint calculator stations and fun, interactive activities for the whole family WHERE: Meadow Event Park, off Interstate 95 Doswell-Kings Dominion-State Fair exit in Caroline County ,State Fair of Virginia, Doswell,

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Virginia state fair 2010 schedule

Justin Beiber — I Can’t Go On!

Filed under: Justin Bieber , Nurse! The Biebs is down! We repeat, Justin Bieber is down! The seemingly indestructible Bieber canceled a show scheduled for tonight at the New York State Fair in glorious Syracuse, NY. He will instead perform Wednesday night. A statement of the Fair’s website… Read more

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Justin Beiber — I Can’t Go On!

Iowa, Arkansas, and Vegas

On Friday, we traveled to the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines and visited “Freight Train,” the largest pig at the Fair.  Freight Train weighs in at a hefty 1,523 lbs.!   After viewing some of the exhibits, Dad gave a speech and ate a pork chop on a stick.  It was so much fun to walk around and meet supporters.  I also wanted to go on some of the rides, but unfortunately we didn’t have time. From there we flew to Arkansas where Dad held a press availability and attended a finance event. After spending a few hours on the plane, we were tired from the long day but played a practical joke on a senior member of the campaign staff. Finally, we landed in Las Vegas – my favorite place to be an insomniac!  Dad addressed the 87th Annual Convention of Disabled American Veterans and attended a series of meetings.  Then he and I were able to have dinner together on Saturday night. Next up, Pennsylvania and Michigan… Song of the Day/Weekend: “That’s Not My Name” by The Ting Tings

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Iowa, Arkansas, and Vegas

Rides From Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch Featured At California State Fair

Rides will be free to first 5,000 guests every Friday during fair. By Kyle Anderson Michael Jackson Photo: Al Messerschmidt Archive / Getty Images The California State Fair may not seem like a place to get a look at a piece of Michael Jackson history, but that’s exactly what will happen later this week

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Rides From Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch Featured At California State Fair