Amazing Spider-Man 2 is picking up steam with an EW cover featuring Spidey and Jamie Foxx as Electro , and now star Andrew Garfield is asking everyone who’ll listen, “Why can’t he be gay?” If you’re going by the books, well, MJ is a woman. However, there’s nothing saying they have to stick to the books. There’s been plenty of instances in superhero movies that the storylines don’t even come close to what is/was found in the comics. So that’s not really a valid argument. Garfield goes a little bit further by saying he would like the male version of Mary Jane to be played by Michael B. Jordan. That’s where I have to throw a flag. As an avid comic book fan and most especially a DC Comics fan, I’d like to say on behalf of a good number of DC Comics fans, we have Michael B. Jordan already mentally cast in the Justice League movie as Cyborg so please back off. Find yourself a new man Andrew Garfield, this one’s taken. Outside of that, I really can’t find a reason to disagree with Garfield. It would make for an interesting turn in the films, that is for sure. So what say you, THGers: Can Spider-Man be gay? Yes, why not? Are you kidding? MJ is a girl! View Poll »
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Gay Spider-Man? Andrew Garfield Says, Why Not?