Tag Archives: physicians

Babes in Bed to Celebrate a Good Night Sleep thanks to Physicians Grade CBD of the Day

Don’t you want a good night’s sleep For Once in Your Damn Life…. We are all over caffeinated. We are all over stressed. We are all addicted to the internet, porn, social media and sleep with our phones, get our whole circadian sleep rhythm all out of fucking control….from screens…radiation…who the fuck knows… Up late on dating apps, or this website, alone in bed wondering where it all went wrong…unhealthy and distracted, trying to figure out ways to be better, to get better, to make more money to finally buy that girlfriend you always wanted…. You are not alone, but it has been proven that SLEEP is the number one key to good health…proper sleep lowers all kinds of ailments from High Blood Pressure, to other Cardiovascular diseases, and likely cancers but I’m not a doctor… I just know that it’s fucking important to sleep, that’s why I don’t have an actual job, I like to wake up when I want, not to some alarm, like a slave of a man…slaving to the people… Point being….CBD has been proven to help sleep, and so much fucking more. I use it for my digestion…and my hemorrhoids…but the same key ingredient can help you sleep calmly and soundly and relaxed…which helps you be a better you… Our friends and partners at Physicians Grade have a very affordable solution to help you sleep, that isn’t fucking chemical pharmaceuticals, that the man want you to take to be more of a zombie than you are. It’s the SLEEP SPRAY and it’s only 20 dollars…and it fucking works… So get yours, it will help you, and even if it doesn’t, it’s 20 fucking dollars, and worth experimenting with because it could fucking help. Here are some Instagram Babes in Beds to Celebrate Sleeping…. GET YOURS NOW HERE GET YOURS NOW HERE The post Babes in Bed to Celebrate a Good Night Sleep thanks to Physicians Grade CBD of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Babes in Bed to Celebrate a Good Night Sleep thanks to Physicians Grade CBD of the Day

False claim for Nobel Peace Prize

[EDIT] What follows is a journey of verification for a claim. In the end, the lesson learned here is to ALWAYS contact the organization or person first, and when your wrong own it and make amends. At present, Waiting for final verification on Peace prize rules to ensure 100% legitimacy of claim… The rightness or wrongness of this claim really rest with the Nobel peace prize committee as this case may be more about a technicality, or wording. When the claim is fully verified I will give you either my loose verification on the authenticity of award claim… http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1997/icbl.html in the course of 1991, several nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and individuals began simultaneously to discuss the necessity of coordinating initiatives and calls for a ban on antipersonnel landmines. Handicap International, Human Rights Watch, Medico International, Mines Advisory Group, Physicians for Human Rights, and Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation came together in October 1992 to formalize the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. The false claim of winning the 1997 or any other year for which the Nobel prize was awarded, puts into serious jeopardy any further claims they have regarding any subject. This could show unethical or inattentive behavior that would allow their research into ethics violations by physicians look sloppy, inaccurate, or hypocritical. As the claim revolves around specific rules issues, it may be a simple case of inaccuracy in wording or the claim may be completely accurate as stated. See the Physicians for human rights claim on their website: http://physiciansforhumanrights.org/ See the entire list of Nobel Prize winners: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/lists/all/index.html See the entire lists of organizations to win the Nobel Peace prize: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/lists/organizations.html See the winner for the 1997 Nobel Peace prize: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1997/icbl.html Currently the organization “Physicians for human rights” claims CIA experimentation on prisoners under the Bush administration. If the claim is found to be true it could undermine the believability of any accusations they make. This would not only undermine this organization but, any organization that validates their present and future claims. The Study conducted by Physicians for human rights http://phrtorturepapers.org/ Notifying L.A. Times writer L.A. Times http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-torture-20100608,0,1471800…. Notifying NYT writer New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/08/opinion/08tue1.html Currently notifying NYT and LA Times… Update: June 8, 2010 2:32pm CT Contacted PHR with following message: On your home page it is mentioned that your organization is a Nobel prize winning institution. I have thus far found no verification of such a claim. If you could email me verification of this claim it would be greatly appreciated. A search of PHR's news release archive: News releases library search shows no notification for their claim of having been awarded a Nobel prize for the year of 1997, or any other year. It would seem odd for an institution to not release news of such a prestigious honor, and yet claim the award on their home page. News release library link http://physiciansforhumanrights.org/library/phr-library-search.html?document_typ… Awaiting reply and continuing investigation… Update: June 8, 2010 2:43pm CT Dear Mr. _______, please see this page on the Nobel Foundation website: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1997/icbl.html . PHR was a founding member of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines and shared the 1997 prize with the other members. We also are still active in this work, and currently have a petition available to join, asking President Obama to have the US finally join the ban on the use of landmines. That petition can be found here: http://actnow-phr.org/campaign/obama_landmine_action . Regards, Ms. Gurukarm Khalsa Web Editor/Producer Physicians for Human Rights 2 Arrow St., Ste. 301 Cambridge, MA 02138 617.301.4200 physiciansforhumanrights.org Advancing health, dignity and justice ONCE AGIAN, I would like to say that I STAND CORRECTED. As such I leave the post intact to illustrate humility, and to show that if you are incorrect you need to own it. UPDATE: 3:28 CT June 8, 2010 Notified everyone contacted previously, and either thanked for info or informed them of my mistake. Awaiting final confirmation from Nobel prize organization to insure that there is no technical rule violated in the usage; however at present it is best to assume that PHR's claims are indeed legitimate. UPDATE: 3:47 CT June 8, 2010 Contacted Nobel prize organization with following message: I had previously noted that PHR claims a shared 1997 Nobel prize under the organization of the International Coalition to Ban Landmines (ICBL), and would like some clarification on the rules for the Peace prize specifically. I am aware that the Peace prize can be awarded to entire organizations; however I am unsure as to whether an organization such as PHR that makes up part of another organization, in this case the ICBL, is entitled to make any claims on the award. In the case of PHR they claim a “shared 1997 Nobel Peace prize”. Regarding your rules, is this claim legitimate, accurate, or should it be worded in some other way? It is hard for me to figure out in this particular instance as I was under the impression that only the individual organization could make that claim, and not other organization or individuals belonging to the organization awarded the prize. Awaiting final confirmation from Nobel prize organization… added by: versasrev