I figured this Charlie Sheen shit is pretty much everywhere and I wouldn’t be a popculture celebrity and entertainment site that nobody reads without throwing out a little of my opinion… So I made a T-SHIRT showing how fucking amazing Charlie Sheen is in this recent manic episode that is going to land him in an institution…. It is taken from what I thought was the best quote of his radio interview yesterday – Losers. Winning. Bye Bye. Him ripping into AA, the creator of Two and a Half Men, the Network. Him calling himself a Vatican Assassin, him talking about watching Jaws on a yacht to experience 4D, or getting a Tattoo with fighter pilots watching Top Gun, or Flying baseball players to his house to watch Major League, to all the other amazing things that came from the interview….I figure this summed it up nicely. I am a huge fan. I think he is amazing. I even like the pornstar, Bree Olson , who he hired as an escort and is’s filming a sex tape with….I even like Denise Richards even though she blocked me on Twitter cuz I asked if she was an escort when she met Sheen, and she got defensive…. So I made the T-SHIRT ….. Losers. Winning. Bye Bye. Who can’t relate to that. I need to write his HBO show…and I’ve been reaching out to EVERYONE to get me this gig. I need to be on thie journey with this revolutionary brain, who when I listen to him, all I hear is knowledge that makes my brain fucking explode…. So I made the t-shirt…. To Buy My Charlie Sheen T-Shirt Cuz He is a Legend Follow This T-SHIRT LInk

Here is the original post:
Charlie Sheen is a Genius of the Day
Posted in Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged asked-if-she, charlie, Charlie Sheen, creator, pilots-watching, players, radio, revolutionary, Sex, shirt