Tag Archives: pirate-sounding

Rosalind Lipsett in a Bikini of the Day

Her name is Rosalind Lipsett. She’s Irish but based in LA..and a year ago, I thought I fell in love with her, despite having no soul, because she reminded me of classic model looks that I grew up masturbating to, coupled with good Irish family values, you know people who don’t lock their doors, who live what is seemingly a simpler life that you read in a Dickens novel, filled with Leprochauns and pots of gold, and other delusions that come from a diet of Potatoes and hard booze… I mean, before Rosalind, I just assumed Irish women, were toothless, big, pirate sounding monsters with their good Catholic values, and the guilt that comes from straying from those good Catholic values, that leads to drinking heavily all day everyday, was the perfect fit for a drunk like me….but turns out they can be as magical as the Jameson shot they rode in on… What a fucking body, all it is missing is my face being sat on…right? Pictures by @floydboy The post Rosalind Lipsett in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rosalind Lipsett in a Bikini of the Day