It is totally on between One Direction and The Wanted. Over the weekend, Max George (who shot down a certain redheaded trainwreck the night of the most recent Lindsay Lohan arrest ) simply Tweeted: “Psy and me getting messy #geekandproud.” Zayn Malik then responded that “the first step is totally acceptance. #geekoftheweek. You display just how much of a wannabe you are.” And, from there – as one of our favorite Anchorman quotes would say – things escalated quickly… “That’s not very nice, @ZaynMalik. I was just starting to like you and your RnB songs, too,” George wrote, backed up by Tom Parker of The Wanted, who chimed in with: “Zayn Malik had his ‘1 Stripes’ knickers in a twist, bro.” “Mate, if I had a face like yours, my hair would be the last thing I would worry about,” replied Zayn, followed by Louis Tomlinson telling Parker to “pipe down.” From there, it turned especially ugly… STD-style! Malik shot off to The Wanted, addressing members of the group with: “Let’s not even discuss vocal ability, boys. I would love to chat but have to run through rehearsals.” And after George Tweeted for him to “stay off the bud” because “it makes you cranky,” Malik actually fired back: ” Alright chlamydia boy .” “Tell me you’re problems without the 8 security in NYC.. The only problem I have with you is the s–t banter. Grow up son,” Max responded, and the exchange was capped off with Zayn’s: “I’d f–king love to, see you in New York big man ha u clown.” All the fiery Tweets were eventually deleted, but not before they were seen by millions of followers, all of whom are likely now debating: Which band would actually win in a fight, One Direction or The Wanted? And which group do you like better? One Direction The Wanted View Poll »
Continued here:
One Direction vs. The Wanted: Boy Band Twitter War!!!