Clip shows band racing down a deserted highway with ‘Cop Out’ star in hot pursuit. By James Montgomery Gorillaz’s 2D Photo: MTV There are plenty of questions raised in the Gorillaz’ new “Stylo” video — the first off their Plastic Beach album, which hits stores next week — and very few answers provided. For example, where are Murdoc, 2-D and (the now robotic) Noodle going? Why are they in such a hurry to get there? What’s up with all the bullet holes in their car? Where’s loveable drummer Russel? And, perhaps most important of all, what’s Bruce Willis doing there? Yes, it’s a pretty obtuse thing, an ominous clip that matches the downright spooky vibe of the song (which features cameos by Mos Def and Bobby Womack). The video shows three-quarters of the band balling down a deserted stretch of California highway in a bullet-riddled ’69 Camaro, being pursued by a donut-loving cop. Presented in 3-D, the ‘rillaz look frazzled and frightened: 2-D appears to be on the brink of collapse, and the bags under Murdoc’s eyes are fleshy and pronounced. And Noodle — who, as Gorillaz fans will recall, may or may not have died at the conclusion of the “El Ma
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Tagged answers, artists, bags, beauty, because-at-clip, bennyhollywood, california, gorillaz, Hollywood, Mtv, news article, ocean, plastic-beach, video