Tag Archives: plastic-models

Mario Vs Pac-Man

Mario and Pac-Man fight to the death! Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

How To Make A Football

Ever wondered how they make the official match balls (heh) for the World Cup ? Me neither, still this video is oddly fascinating, so much effort for something so simple. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Life-Size Dinghy Model Kit

We've all assembled plastic models before, so we can all relate to just how awesome this life-size version is.

Read the rest here:
Life-Size Dinghy Model Kit

Mom throws away Gundam figures, son burns down house.

Police in Kasai City near Kobe have arrested a 29-year-old factory worker named Yoshifumi Takabe on suspicion of burning down his own home on Sunday. The suspect reportedly doused his room with kerosene and lit it with a lighter around 2:10 p.m

See the original post here:
Mom throws away Gundam figures, son burns down house.