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Dr. Conrad Murray Defense Witness Finally Puts it Out There: Michael Jackson Killed Himself!

The late Michael Jackson likely helped himself to extra doses of potent drugs while Dr. Conrad Murray’s back was turned and accidentally took his own life. That’s according to the defense’s final witness, who finally came out and said, under oath, the theory that Murray’s defense has been floating for months. Murray’s lawyers long have asserted that Jackson caused his own death , even as the likelihood of such an event has been discredited by the prosecution. Still, White told the jury, in Jackson’s last minutes of consciousness, the insomniac took several pills of the sedative lorezepan, then injected the Propofol. “You think it was a self-injection of propofol between 11:30 and 12?” defense attorney J. Michael Flanagan asked. “In my opinion, yes,” White responded. White, like the prosecution’s star witness, Dr. Steven Shafer, is an anesthesiologist and Propofol expert. The prosecution will cross-examine him next week. After that, it’s up to the jury to determine if there is reasonable doubt to acquit Murray of involuntary manslaughter, or if the prosecution made its case . It goes without saying that Jackson’s family feels they have. Family members have attended trial every day, wasting little time praising the D.A. – or in this case, denying Michael was responsible for his own death. His sister La Toya Jackson Tweeted, after a particularly tense Friday in courty: “MICHAEL DID NOT KILL HIMSELF!!! HE WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!!!” The implication isn’t that he tried to, but point taken. There’s also the question of whether that would absolve Murray of guilt even if it did occur. The state contends it would not, and that he’s guilty anyway. Prosecution witnesses say Murray not only gave too much Propofol, he also failed to properly monitor MJ, botched CPR and waited too long to call 911 . That, along with inconsistencies in Murray’s own timeline of events, plus startling images like the Michael Jackson autopsy photo , could be his undoing. He faces up to four years in prison if convicted. Dr. Conrad Murray :

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Dr. Conrad Murray Defense Witness Finally Puts it Out There: Michael Jackson Killed Himself!