Tag Archives: police-arrival

Wonder Why They Call Ya Pig: Cops Fist-Bump Over Smothered Man’s Dead Body [Video]

  New Mexico Cops Fist Bump Over The Body Of A Smothered Dead Suspect Seriously, these tone-deaf sheriffs and police chiefs have the unmitigated gall to wonder why a lot of people don’t f**k with them. This is why. Because there’s a lot of cops who just ain’t s#!t. Via KOB The family of a man detained by law enforcement at a Bernalillo Wal-Mart in 2015 believes police tools and tactics contributed to his death. Town of Bernalillo and Pueblo of Santa Ana police officers placed a spit sock on the man’s face and laid him on his belly with his hands and feet restrained behind him. Police reports reveal Ben Anthony C de Baca, who had a history of mental illness, got into an argument with a family member on Sept. 6, 2015. He drove to the Bernalillo Wal-Mart, hit a parked car and once inside the store began to destroy merchandise. Wal-Mart patrons helped subdue him before Bernalillo and Santa Ana Pueblo police arrived. That police arrival was the beginning of the end of Anthony C de Baca… “I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe.” We seem to hear that a lot just before cops kill people… Image via KOB

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Wonder Why They Call Ya Pig: Cops Fist-Bump Over Smothered Man’s Dead Body [Video]