Tag Archives: police-crushed

Random Ridiculousness: North Carolina Man Tries To Pass Off Crushed Up Pop Tart As Cocaine To Undercover Police

Get your daddy please…. Man Tries To Sell Police Crushed Up Pop Tart A Rocky Mount, North Carolina man was recently arrested after authorities say he tried to sell cocaine to an undercover agent that turned out to be a crushed up pop tart. W….T….F???? WTCI 12 reports: Halifax County deputies arrested a man they said tried to pass off a crushed up corner of a pop tart as cocaine. Cameron Mitchell, 30, of Rocky Mount, allegedly sold the fake crack cocaine to an undercover agent in June. Deputies arrested Mitchell on September 4th. Deputies say on June 19, during Operation Southern Summer, Mitchell was making a delivery to a convenience store in the town of Halifax when he came in contact with an undercover agent. During the conversation, Mitchell allegedly agreed to sell crack cocaine to the agent. Deputies say Mitchell went to the cab of his delivery truck and came back with what he said was crack cocaine. He allegedly sold it to the agent for $20. Agents field tested the evidence, and it was negative for the presence of cocaine. They went looking for Mitchell’s delivery truck and found it at another convenience store on Highway 561. Agents say Mitchell told them he needed the money, so he went into his truck and found the corner of a Pop-Tart, then sold it to the agent as crack cocaine. Mitchell faces charges of selling or delivering a counterfeit controlled substance and creating a counterfeit controlled substance. What was he thinking?????

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Random Ridiculousness: North Carolina Man Tries To Pass Off Crushed Up Pop Tart As Cocaine To Undercover Police