Tag Archives: porsha-junior

It’s A Girl! Porsha Williams Reveals The Gender Of Her Precious Peach

Prince Williams/ATLpics.net Congratulations! Porsha Williams Expecting A Baby Girl Porsha Junior’s on the way! Porsha Williams held a gender reveal party this weekend to announce the sex of her Dennis McKinley seed. The RHOA star and her fiancé brought together friends and family to a swanky private location where they used Superior Celebrations poppers to reveal her baby’s gender. After a countdown, guests used the poppers that shot out pink confetti—although Porsha’s malfunctioned and blew out blue. “Now I’m totally excited. It’s official. PJ is here! It’s a girl,” said Porsha. Porsha also rocked blue hair with light pink tips to mark the gender reveal. If you’re wondering why Porsha keeps calling the baby PJ there’s a simple explanation. Prior to the reveal, Porsha told PEOPLE that her future hubby already picked out a name for their baby girl; PJ a.k.a. Porsha Junior. Prince Williams/ATLpics.net Are you excited to hear that Porsha Junior’s on the way???

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It’s A Girl! Porsha Williams Reveals The Gender Of Her Precious Peach