Tag Archives: posing-at-home

Christina Hendricks: "My Phone WAS Hacked, But Those Aren’t My Boobs"

Has anybody seen Christina Hendricks ‘ hooters? Just hours after pics taken from the Mad Men star’s cell phone leaked online, Hendricks says that her phone was recently hacked…but not all of the pics are of her. She doesn’t deny that sexy pictures of her posing at home in her bra and a V-neck t-shirt (left) are actually hers (how could she? You can see her face in the shot), but claims that the lone topless pic in the set is the work of a pneumatic imposter. You know, Christina, there’s only one way to definitively prove those aren’t your boobs. Show ’em to us…with your face in the shot this time! Play private dick with more sexy pics from Christina Hendricks right here at MrSkin.com

Read the original here:
Christina Hendricks: "My Phone WAS Hacked, But Those Aren’t My Boobs"