Tag Archives: post-on-paris

Paris Hilton’s Lame Swimsuit Pictures

What kind of swimsuit is this? And what is Paris Hilton hiding? I don’t do many post on Paris because I can’t stand her, but if she goes to the beach and puts on a swimsuit, she better at least try to impress us with some skin. Honestly, who goes to a beach with a swim-dress? I didn’t even know those existed. Anyway, sorry for wasting your time, obviously there’s nothing to see here. Let’s move along.

Paris Hilton’s Tits Hang Out with her Sister of the Day

I made a vow to never post on Paris Hilton, but I slept in today and figured I had to post something fast and she’s easy. At least that’s the rumor. Here she is with her push-up bra and her sister because her sister is the only person who hangs out with her since everyone else realized she is the single most disgusting, vile, useless person the world has to offer, and sister’s have no choice but to stick together.

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Paris Hilton’s Tits Hang Out with her Sister of the Day