Beyonce Responds To Pregnancy Rumors Yesterday, the internet all but imploded when sources from the Carter camp were said to have confirmed that King Beysus was indeed expecting another little bundle of baby baller. Not long after word got out, a message popped up on Bey’s Instagram that looked to be in response to all of the talk. via Complex The internet has been abuzz this weekend with rumors (seemingly confirmed) that Beyoncé is pregnant with her second child. It seemed a strange move for the famously controlled and private star, especially since she just started her huge world tour. Last night, though, Bey took to Instagram to [seemingly] deny any pregnancy. The photo, which has since been deleted, was not-so-nice. To be fair, it’s not like people were spreading vicious rumors about her, as you might guess from her tone. Hit hit the flip to peep a snapshot of the message that was posted before being deleted to decide whether or not you think Mrs. Carter is carrying another little baby baller in her belly… Continue reading →