After the release of two scandalous teasers, Lady Gaga has tweeted her take on “Cake,” her upcoming music video shot by the legendary Terry Richardson. The Lady Gaga “Cake” videos show her in lingerie, writhing around in a pile of cake, lip-syncing a rap verse, getting spanked and taking a bath topless. Lady Gaga – Cake (Teaser) Lady Gaga – Cake (Teaser Video) The screen reads “TERRY RICHARDSON XX LADY GAGA.” XXX might be more accurate. One video closes with Lady Gaga topless in a sheer thong, her booty popping in a hot tub and conjuring up images of videos even Cinemax wouldn’t air. Gaga later tweeted her own take on “Cake.” She writes: “The real CAKE isn’t HAVING what you want, It’s DOING what you want.” Deep. Musically, the story of “Cake” began on September 19 when DJ White Shadow, a producer on Gaga’s “Born This Way” album, posted the beat on SoundCloud and encouraged his Twitter followers to help him write a song about Gaga on Garage Band. After announcing that he had found “the one” and telling Lady Gaga that she “must hear it,” DJ White Shadow posted the completed track on SoundCloud under the title “Trap AKA Cake,” with a description reading “Cake like Lady Gaga.” The rest, as they say, is history. And really NSFW Lady Gaga pics .
Read the rest here:
Lady Gaga: "Cake" Is About Doing What You Want