Tag Archives: posted-the-video

Ku Klux Klan Plans Trump Victory Party In North Carolina, Leader Says They Played A Big Role In His Win

Klan Plans Trump Celebration Party In North Carolina No one is happier about Donald Trump’s Success than the Ku Klux Klan . According to Daily Mail , the hate organization is planning a victory march in North Carolina to celebrate Donald Trump’s presidential win. The Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan organized the parade, set for December 3 in Pelham, NC. An announcement for the ‘klavalkade Klan parade’ were revealed on group’s website on Thursday next to a photo of Trump, with a caption reading “Trump = Trump’s race united my people.” Although the exact location of the rally hasn’t been revealed. This just after former KKK grand wizard and raging racist David Duke claimed partial credit for Trump’s presidential success, claiming his klansmen kin played a ‘huge role’ Trump’s shocking victory. SMH. You KNOW Trump won’t denounce any of this either. Those are his people, after all.

Ku Klux Klan Plans Trump Victory Party In North Carolina, Leader Says They Played A Big Role In His Win

Trump’s America: White Middle Schoolers Chant “Build The Wall!” To Taunt Latino Students [Video]

SMH!! Don’t be fooled into thinking the kids aren’t paying attention . The person who posted the video, Dee Perez-Scott, told WNEM : “It is so sad. Latino children were crying. The taunts, the “Build that Wall” with such bullying power and hate from children to children. Just Horrifying!”

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Trump’s America: White Middle Schoolers Chant “Build The Wall!” To Taunt Latino Students [Video]