Lia Marie Johnson is a clever famewhore… Her name is Lia Marie Johnson…She’s 18, from Hawaii and is one of the 12 biggest young stars on YouTube according to Ad Week… Which from my experience means that she’s actually a fetish actress in fetish videos for dudes who jerk off to young girl youtube accounts…because they are creeps and it is more interesting than porn to them..because you get to see their real life, their personal life…like a fucking peeping tom weirdo… She’s got 1.6 Million followers, and I guess she’s tired of being called a slut, or slut shamed for her pictures that are clearly designed to get her pervert audience jerking off…use that sex appeal to get what you want…apparently it works… But she hates being slut shamed…when she’s just an artist…posting shadow pics of her shadow tits…not erotica…you can just see the shadow of her hard nipple…getting clever…in her struggle….of trying to be a clever famewhore with a purpose..or vision or artistic integrity….. It’s a shadow guys…a shadow… Here’s proof she hates being slut shamed – read the caption to the pic she posted – because she’s an artist… The post Lia Marie Johnson Shows Off Nipple Through Shadows of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Lia Marie Johnson Shows Off Nipple Through Shadows of the Day