Tag Archives: potable-media

The $100 Netbook Has Finally Arrived

Considering that most individuals want to have a potable media experience , as well as have access to email on the go, they can not always afford to shell out three or four hundred dollars for a NetBook. Well fret no more, KMart has partnered with Augen to bring a variety of offerings to the KMart lineup. The cheapest of all being the Augen 7″ Netbook PC for 100$ . However, if you have 200$, KMart also has a 10.2″ Netbook PC Powered by Android. And, this may come to you as a shocker as well, KMart also has a $169.00 Tablet and a $99.99 eReader ready to go. You can guess that in-store stock will be low probably until after Christmas and then afterwards, inventory will go back up. This opens the door of possibility through affordability. (Personally I Think – This is a great way to “give away the razor and sell the blades” consumers who buy a $100 netbook will have access to the Google Android Marketplace, which means they can then opt to spend a few dollars here and there when they see an application they like enough to buy. This is an excellent strategy! added by: EddieStarr