Reeeemix. Yeesh Luka Rocco Magnotta, the guy who filmed himself stabbing a guy 50 times with an ice pick, then having sex with his corpse, then dismembering his body, eating the flesh and mailing the foot to Canada’s Conservative Party, has finally been caught in Berlin. Woman awarded $900,000 after suing a man for knowingly giving her herpes. I’m slightly disgusted, … Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blemish Discovery Date : 05/06/2012 13:35 Number of articles : 2
Microsoft on Tuesday unveiled a new app and set of APIs called on{x}, which pushes smartphone automation to new heights. The app allows users to write custom scripts that automate various smartphone functions based on time, location and a number of parameters similar software does not currently support. On{x} opens the door to a wide range of functionality that isn’t widely available anywhere else,… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Boy Genius Report Discovery Date : 05/06/2012 15:11 Number of articles : 2
Jennifer Lawrence bares every emotion possible in The Hunger Games : fear, confidence, exuberance, sadness. She also bared her naked body the first time she met Zoe Kravitz, whose father stars in the blockbuster film as fashion guru Cinna. “I’d met her a few times, and she was like, ‘You should come over and we’ll hang out,'” Zoe tells Rolling Ston e. “So I go over to her apartment, and she opens the door in a towel. She’s like, ‘Come in, sorry, you’re early, I was about to shower.’ And she drops her towel and gets in the shower, and starts shaving her legs, totally naked. She was like, ‘Are we here yet? Is this OK?’ And I was like, ‘I guess we’re there!’” Lawrence apparently made quite the first impression on two others associated with the movie, too. Says Woody Harrelson of their initial meeting: “I was on my bus, and on my bus I have a yoga swing. Jennifer comes on, and she goes, ‘Hi, Woody, I’m J— is that a sex swing?’ Her first sentence to me.” And then there’s this tale from Josh Hutcherson : “When I got cast, she called me up for one of those five-minute ‘Excited to work with you, blah, blah, blah’ things. The conversation started with her saying, ‘Think about a catheter going in – ouch!’ and then turns into a 45-minute rant about zombies and the apocalypse.”
I can only assume the only hope or joy or excitement a Pizza Delivery Man gets is the 5-15 seconds he waits on the stoop for the person who ordered the pizza to open the door. Will it be a hot girl who invites him into fuck, will it be a group of dykes having an all night sex party, will it be a rich old lady looking for someone to work for her instead of the shitty pizza man who has been oppressing you and blaming you for not being fast enough, a pressure that doesn’t warrant your 8 dollars an hour plus tips, especially after the horrible car accident that leaves you crippled for life with no disability pension cuz you were working under the fucking table, and I’m not talking about the horrible things that happen to play against that small glimmer of hope that your fantasy of a nude goddess opening the door will come true, ruined when the bitch who opens the door is some kind of inbred 50 year old trying to be funny for her brother/husband/lover/dad….this is the kind of shit that will make the average pizza man never wish a nude chick opens a door again…and that’s destroys the only perk of their shitty career choice….Shoulda graduated High School loser… FOLLOW ME
I can only assume the only hope or joy or excitement a Pizza Delivery Man gets is the 5-15 seconds he waits on the stoop for the person who ordered the pizza to open the door. Will it be a hot girl who invites him into fuck, will it be a group of dykes having an all night sex party, will it be a rich old lady looking for someone to work for her instead of the shitty pizza man who has been oppressing you and blaming you for not being fast enough, a pressure that doesn’t warrant your 8 dollars an hour plus tips, especially after the horrible car accident that leaves you crippled for life with no disability pension cuz you were working under the fucking table, and I’m not talking about the horrible things that happen to play against that small glimmer of hope that your fantasy of a nude goddess opening the door will come true, ruined when the bitch who opens the door is some kind of inbred 50 year old trying to be funny for her brother/husband/lover/dad….this is the kind of shit that will make the average pizza man never wish a nude chick opens a door again…and that’s destroys the only perk of their shitty career choice….Shoulda graduated High School loser… FOLLOW ME
Considering that most individuals want to have a potable media experience , as well as have access to email on the go, they can not always afford to shell out three or four hundred dollars for a NetBook. Well fret no more, KMart has partnered with Augen to bring a variety of offerings to the KMart lineup. The cheapest of all being the Augen 7″ Netbook PC for 100$ . However, if you have 200$, KMart also has a 10.2″ Netbook PC Powered by Android. And, this may come to you as a shocker as well, KMart also has a $169.00 Tablet and a $99.99 eReader ready to go. You can guess that in-store stock will be low probably until after Christmas and then afterwards, inventory will go back up. This opens the door of possibility through affordability. (Personally I Think – This is a great way to “give away the razor and sell the blades” consumers who buy a $100 netbook will have access to the Google Android Marketplace, which means they can then opt to spend a few dollars here and there when they see an application they like enough to buy. This is an excellent strategy! added by: EddieStarr
Kidz in the Hall’s Double-O is also in the clip, which Donnis says is ‘not the traditional hip-hop video.’ By Jayson Rodriguez Donnis on the set of his video for “Gone” Photo: Jayson Rodriguez It’s not quite freshman hazing, but when upstart MC Donnis is joined at a party by the likes of Just Blaze , Estelle and Kidz in the Hall ‘s Double-O for his debut video for “Gone,” things get out of hand fast. The trio livened things up so much that a groggy Donnis wakes up in the clip (presumably the next morning) and tries to remember what happened the night before through a series of “Memento”-like flashbacks. “The video is basically a party gone backwards,” the rapper explained on the set of the BBGun-directed project . “People haven’t seen that in a long time. It has a lot of twists to it. It’s not the traditional hip-hop video. We tried to do things a traditional hip-hop video wouldn’t do. The club [scene] is a little bit in the vein of hip-hop, but the house party is very different from what you usually see.” In the opening scenes of the video, Donnis is seen picking up his tie from the previous night and reaching for his sunglasses, which are damaged. As he’s walking across the bedroom floor, flashes of last night’s proceedings appear onscreen: a female friend writing her phone number on his hand, the rapper bumping into a club-goer and Donnis’ face through a peephole as he’s knocking on an apartment door. As the music cues and he attempts to catch a cab back home, a clock pops up onscreen running backward, and Donnis begins reaching for the previous night’s memories. The bump caused his glasses to break. The girl’s apartment he just left was in the cab with him and another female the night before, who were, uh, just as friendly with each other as they were with him. The video is a montage of different club scenes that help to explain Donnis’ night before the end of the clip, when Just Blaze does his best Dame Dash impersonation by pouring champagne everywhere and then Estelle opens the door to welcome the rapper to her house party. The track “Gone,” released by A-Trak’s Fool’s Gold Records, was produced by Needlz and appears on Donnis’ mixtape, last year’s Diary of an ATL Brave, and also on his upcoming mixtape Fashionably Late. Donnis is featured in the April issue of XXL as a part of the Freshmen 10 class and is working on his Atlantic Records debut, Past Visions of the Future. What do you think about Donnis’ “Gone” video? Do you agree with him that it’s not a traditional hip-hop video? Let us know in the comments!