Tag Archives: rocco-magnotta

Today’s News Brought to You by The Game of Thrones Rap


Here is the original post:

Reeeemix. Yeesh Luka Rocco Magnotta, the guy who filmed himself stabbing a guy 50 times with an ice pick, then having sex with his corpse, then dismembering his body, eating the flesh and mailing the foot to Canada’s Conservative Party, has finally been caught in Berlin. Woman awarded $900,000 after suing a man for knowingly giving her herpes. I’m slightly disgusted, … Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blemish Discovery Date : 05/06/2012 13:35 Number of articles : 2

Today’s News Brought to You by The Game of Thrones Rap

B*tchazzness: Cowardly Man Punches 10-Year Old For Being Too Rowdy In Movie Theatre

Sounds like somebody needs to join Tami Roman in anger management. Man Punches 10-Year-Old In The Face During Movie A Washington State moviegoer who took matters into his own hands after becoming fed up with children who were being too loud in a movie theatre has been charged with second-degree assault. The man, who says he thought the child he hit was an adult, claims to have asked the “people” behind him to quiet down while watching Titanic 3D with his girlfriend and became enraged after his request was met with laughter. “I got so mad that it just happened,” Yong Hyun Kim, 21, told police who arrested him the night of April 11 at the AMC Kent Station 14, in Kent, a south Seattle suburb. The 10-year-old lost a tooth and had a bloody nose in the confrontation. Kim spent a night in the Kent city jail and appeared April 12 in King County District Court and was released, said county prosecutor’s spokesman Dan Donohoe. Kim was charged May 16 with second-degree assault. If convicted, he could be sentenced to three to nine months in jail, Donohoe said Tuesday. Last time we checked, most 10-year old boys didn’t look like adults……even in dark movie theaters. Source

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B*tchazzness: Cowardly Man Punches 10-Year Old For Being Too Rowdy In Movie Theatre

Gay Canadian-Cannibal Euro Killer Captured! [Video]

Frickin gay thugs are no joke: The intense hunt for Luka Rocco Magnotta, wanted in the gruesome Montreal killing of a university student from China, has come to an end at an Internet café in Berlin Captain Guido Busch of the Berlin police confirmed Mr. Magnotta was arrested in the German capital on Monday afternoon. “Police were called by a person from the internet café. Colleagues went the café and arrested a person we are sure is Mr. Magnotta,” said Captain Busch. “He is in jail, and will go to a judge tomorrow. Our goal is to bring him to Canada as quickly as possible.” Montreal police, however, could not immediately confirm Mr. Magnotta’s arrest in Germany. Turn the page for the surveillance footage

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Gay Canadian-Cannibal Euro Killer Captured! [Video]

Luka Rocco Magnotta, Former Adult Film Star, Named Suspect in Gruesome Montreal Murder

Luka Rocco Magnotta, a former adult film actor, is alleged to have brutally killed a man in Montreal and shipped at least two body parts to political parties in Canada. He is now the subject of an international manhunt. Thursday morning, INTERPOL issued an international arrest warrant for Magnotta, who may have fled overseas, with France as one possible destination. He is still at large as of this report. Luka Rocco Magnotta News Report The global bulletin follows a Canada-wide warrant issued by Montreal police hours after officers first entered the 29-year-old suspect’s blood-soaked apartment. It was the scene of one of the most gruesome killings in Montreal in recent memory. Investigators found a torso left in a suitcase, while a hand and foot were mailed to the Ottawa offices of the Liberal and Conservative parties. Police have obtained a video allegedly depicting the crime, and are taking steps to have it removed from a website where it was posted. As authorities search for Magnotta, the young man’s past has come under the microscope and Canadians are trying to come to terms with what kind of person might have committed such gruesome acts. Who is Luka Rocco Magnotta? Born in Scarborough, Ontario, in 1982 as Eric Clinton Newman, he changed his name to Rocco Magnotta in 2006. He has also used the alias Vladimir Romanov. According to a neighbor, Magnotta moved to Montreal four months ago. Magnotta is a self-described male model who launched his bisexual porn acting career “doing webcam shows” in Los Angeles when he was 20 years old. Photographs of him – often shirtless, his lips rouged and set in a model pout – are all over the Internet. Magnotta is featured in a number of online interviews about the porn industry and has often professed his love for cosmetic surgery. According to the Montreal Gazette , animal-rights activists worldwide have been after Magnotta since 2010, after a video surfaced that allegedly showed him placing two kittens in a plastic bag and then vacuuming the air out, suffocating them. Two more videos, also depicting the torture and killing of cats, also have been linked to Magnotta. A $5,000 reward was offered to bring him to justice. Police say Magnotta was romantically linked to Karla Homolka, the former wife of convicted killer Paul Bernado. Homolka was convicted of manslaughter in the 1991-92 rape-murders of three young women, including Karla’s sister Tammy Homolka.

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Luka Rocco Magnotta, Former Adult Film Star, Named Suspect in Gruesome Montreal Murder

Luka Rocco Magnotta, Former Adult Film Star, Named Suspect in Gruesome Montreal Murder

Luka Rocco Magnotta, a former adult film actor, is alleged to have brutally killed a man in Montreal and shipped at least two body parts to political parties in Canada. He is now the subject of an international manhunt. Thursday morning, INTERPOL issued an international arrest warrant for Magnotta, who may have fled overseas, with France as one possible destination. He is still at large as of this report. Luka Rocco Magnotta News Report The global bulletin follows a Canada-wide warrant issued by Montreal police hours after officers first entered the 29-year-old suspect’s blood-soaked apartment. It was the scene of one of the most gruesome killings in Montreal in recent memory. Investigators found a torso left in a suitcase, while a hand and foot were mailed to the Ottawa offices of the Liberal and Conservative parties. Police have obtained a video allegedly depicting the crime, and are taking steps to have it removed from a website where it was posted. As authorities search for Magnotta, the young man’s past has come under the microscope and Canadians are trying to come to terms with what kind of person might have committed such gruesome acts. Who is Luka Rocco Magnotta? Born in Scarborough, Ontario, in 1982 as Eric Clinton Newman, he changed his name to Rocco Magnotta in 2006. He has also used the alias Vladimir Romanov. According to a neighbor, Magnotta moved to Montreal four months ago. Magnotta is a self-described male model who launched his bisexual porn acting career “doing webcam shows” in Los Angeles when he was 20 years old. Photographs of him – often shirtless, his lips rouged and set in a model pout – are all over the Internet. Magnotta is featured in a number of online interviews about the porn industry and has often professed his love for cosmetic surgery. According to the Montreal Gazette , animal-rights activists worldwide have been after Magnotta since 2010, after a video surfaced that allegedly showed him placing two kittens in a plastic bag and then vacuuming the air out, suffocating them. Two more videos, also depicting the torture and killing of cats, also have been linked to Magnotta. A $5,000 reward was offered to bring him to justice. Police say Magnotta was romantically linked to Karla Homolka, the former wife of convicted killer Paul Bernado. Homolka was convicted of manslaughter in the 1991-92 rape-murders of three young women, including Karla’s sister Tammy Homolka.

Continued here:
Luka Rocco Magnotta, Former Adult Film Star, Named Suspect in Gruesome Montreal Murder