Tag Archives: horrible things

Nelly’s Rape Accuser Drops Case And Refuses To Testify — But Here’s What Nelly Has To Say

Nelly’s Accuser Drops Rape Case And Refuses To Testify Well, that was fast. Barely one week after a woman stepped forward claiming that Nelly had forced her into a sexual encounter , she wants all charges dropped and is refusing to even speak on the matter in court. According to TMZ, the woman’s attorney claims that the pressure of standing up to a well-liked celebrity is too much for her client, and she’d rather just cope with what occurred in private than go through the fiasco of a trial and prosecution she may not even triumph in — not to mention what will happen to HER in the court of public opinion . “[She’s chosen to] put a halt to the criminal investigation of [Nelly]. She will not testify further in a criminal proceeding against him. Who will believe her? People are saying horrible things already. She cannot handle this. She is about to break.” Which makes sense…when there’s a rich/famous/otherwise well-liked accuser folks often assume the accuser is a liar/whore/opportunist who couldn’t possibly be telling the truth, and those comments were definitely already rolling in. But Nelly’s attorney has a different view of what happened. According to him, her dropping the charges is only proof that “[this] reckless accusation, once investigated thoroughly, was exposed for what it was — a fabrication. A fabrication that has caused Nelly and his family to suffer emotionally and financially.” He says her dropping the charges isn’t good enough. He wants her to reveal her identity in a public apology, and even plans to recommend that Nelly pursue legal action against HER. Sheesh. It will definitely be interesting to see where things go from here. Splash

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Nelly’s Rape Accuser Drops Case And Refuses To Testify — But Here’s What Nelly Has To Say

ARianna Grande Demonstrates How She Handled Big Sean of the Day

Arianna Grande is a rumored slut, with a voice of an angel…at least according to her…everyone I know hear her song in restaurants or stores…passionately say “i hate this fucking bitch”..including a pornstar who I met…that used to fuck Grande’s ex boyfriend Mac Miller…who claims…is a huge whore, demanding, needy, loud, irritating, spoiled…and all kind of horrible things, you can probably tell by listening to her or seeing her silly public behavior…thanks to stage parents coddling her…and Disney Training…she exists… TO SEE THE REST Of THE PICS CLICK HERE The post ARianna Grande Demonstrates How She Handled Big Sean of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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ARianna Grande Demonstrates How She Handled Big Sean of the Day

Demi Lovato Flips Off Heckler, Slams Bullying Paparazzi

Demi Lovato is not a happy young woman at the moment. Due to an onslaught of paparazzi, the artist was forced to cut short her time with fans after Logo’s “Trailblazers” event in New York City last night, even flipping one hecker off after he made a comment about her past drug use. See what this idiot had to say, and check out Demi’s awesome reaction, below: Demi Lovato Gives Heckler the Finger “When are paparazzi gonna learn? If you’re respectful to me, I’ll be respectful back. Why does it have to be a war of celebs against paps?” Lovato Tweeted last night. Demi, who also gave the finger to haters during a Gay Pride Parade performance in early June, added: “Of course if you yell horrible things, I’m not gonna work with you. I’ll pose if you are respectful and not being bullies.” Hard to argue with that logic, isn’t it? Consider it another key piece of Demi Lovato life advice . The star was most upset that this incident made it impossible for her to spend time with fans. “I wanted to stop for my fans today/tonight really bad because I love you so much but I can’t deal with how mean those paps are,” wrote an apologetic Lovato. “I always try to stop because I appreciate every single one of you, so if I don’t get to you please know I’m sorry and I love you.” She concluded that “sometimes staying strong means not putting yourself in uncomfortable or triggering situations.” Amen, Demi. Demi Lovato Selfies 1. Demi Lovato, Makeup-Free This is an extreme close up of Demi Lovato and her freckles. The singer isn’t hiding behind any makeup.

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Demi Lovato Flips Off Heckler, Slams Bullying Paparazzi

The Worst News Story You Will Hear Ever of the Day

This story will make you fucking sick….at least it made me sick and that’s why I am posting it. I just can’t believe shit like this happens, then I remember that horrible things happen all the time, that people are fucking sick in the head, and that often times when they are ghetto looking girls, who live in a trailer park, who are single mothers to begin with and who were probably raped as a child themselves, they will do anything for love…like let their convicted pedophile boyfriend have sex with her 4 month old and kill her… What the fuck… It’s too bad the government controls your text messages and phone calls and the messages the media send you…but they don’t control shit like this from happening… It’s horrible…

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The Worst News Story You Will Hear Ever of the Day

Kanye West Shoots Down Cheating Rumor: Malicious and Untrue!

The Michael Jordan of music has something to say. In the face of Leyla Ghobadi telling Star that she slept with Kanye West on two occasions – including once last October, once Kim Kardashian was pregnant – the rapper has released the following statement through his rep: “This most recent attack on Kanye West and his family is totally without merit. It’s a blatant attempt by a misguided individual who is clearly seeking publicity, and another in a series of malicious stories drummed up by non-credible ‘news’ sources.” That pretty much says it all, but the denial concludes with: “This is a sad attempt to hurt two people trying to live their lives.” We’re sold. But we are still waiting on word regarding the latest C section scandal. Will there be drama in Kim’s delivery room or not?!? What say you, ‘Ye?

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Kanye West Shoots Down Cheating Rumor: Malicious and Untrue!

Tiger Woods Surprised By Question From Niece at Press Conference

Tiger Woods has seen and heard it all, but a question from an unlikely member of the media – his niece – still caught him off guard this week at the U.S Open. “The U.S. Open is usually one of the most grueling weeks of golf,” a young female golf reporter amid the mob in the media tent said to the World #1 . “So what will you do off the course in order to be at ease and relax?” When Tiger saw it was Cheyenne Woods, he beamed with laughter: Tiger Woods, Niece at Press Conference “Didn’t expect that,” he said. “Well, off the course, we have a great crew at the house and we’re going to have fun. Tomorrow, make sure you’re – is it 6:30 dinner?” “Is that all right? Okay. Perfect.” Cheyenne flashed a Cheshire Cat grin of her own, even after the press dispersed. Tiger was caught unprepared, and she seemed to revel in that. “I don’t think he knew I was going to be at the press conference today,” she told a few reporters as she exited. “I think I was the last person he was expecting.” Cheyenne Woods, 22, majored in communications at Wake Forest and is writing for a golf website, Back9Network, which is affiliated with USA Today. Also an accomplished golfer and an aspiring pro, the youngster qualified for the U.S. Women’s Open last year and played in her first LPGA Championship. She will be covering the entire U.S. Open this week … and unlike most of her media counterparts, it sounds like she’s having dinner with Tiger Woods. Presumably Lindsey Vonn will be there too. Not a bad gig.

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Tiger Woods Surprised By Question From Niece at Press Conference

Magician Turns $1 Bills Into $100 Bills For Homeless

Stuart Edge, a YouTube do-gooder and part-time prankster, sought out people in need for his latest round of web trickery, and the results are heartwarming. With $1,000 out of his own savings, he made the days of 10 different homeless people, transforming $1 bills into $100s before their very eyes, and hands. Take a look at the impressive, and inspiring magic display below: Money Magic Trick For Homeless Edge says he went through a lengthy process to ensure that he wouldn’t get hosed, and was actually giving money to people who would use it honorably. “I wanted to make sure if I was giving money away,” said the YouTube illusionist, “That it was actually being given to people who could use the money.” Job well done, Stuart.

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Magician Turns $1 Bills Into $100 Bills For Homeless

Court Marshal Sexually Assaults Woman, Arrests Her For Complaining About It

So, imagine you show up for an already-difficult family court hearing, get into an argument with an official and get arrested in front of your crying two-year-old. Then imagine the arrest happened because you complained that a court marshal brought you into a side room, felt you up and asked you to lift up your shirt. Cop Sexually Assaults, Arrests Woman Several employees and managers of Clark County Family Court in Las Vegas are under investigation after the incident, which was all caught on video. In it, court marshal Ron Fox inexplicably arrests mom Monica Contreras after she dared to complain to the judge that Fox had touched her inappropriately. It started when Fox suddenly told Contreras, who was only in court for a routine divorce case, to go into a side room for an unexplained drug search. When she came out of the room, she approached the judge who had been listening to her case, and told her that the marshal touched her inappropriately. She says she had asked him for a female marshal to be present but he had ignored her … as did the judge, who just played with Conteras’ child. Suddenly, the same marshal orders her arrested, and a second marshal approaches and tries to put cuffs on her. Contreras was obviously stunned: “For what, sir? Why would I be arrested? Can you please tell me?” she pleaded. Ron Fox then pipes up and says, “Because of false allegations made against a police officer” … for which there is no such law. Minor details, right? Amazingly, she was then told she could avoid jail, but only by recanting her story. Instead, she did the opposite, repeating what she claimed happened. At this point she was arrested as her daughter cried, “Sir, don’t take momma!” Perhaps the most incredible part? The entire time, the judge, Patricia Donninger, seemed oblivious, not even speaking to the woman or the marshals. The woman’s story was later validated following an investigation and the marshal was fired. The judge, however, remains undisciplined for her behavior.

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Court Marshal Sexually Assaults Woman, Arrests Her For Complaining About It

Kris and Bruce Jenner: The $200 Million Divorce?

The tabloids aren’t just after the Kardashians this week. They are after their relationships! First, Star quotes Leyla Ghobadi as saying she totally banged Kanye West when he was with Kim Kardashian. Now, In Touch Weekly is once again re-igniting the Kris Jenner divorce story, claiming she and Bruce are on the outs – and it’ll be one EXPENSIVE breakup. “There’s a lot of money at stake in this split,” says a family friend to the tabloid, adding that Kris ought to have concerns outside of her fortune: “Kris has done some pretty horrible things over the years – including cheating on Bruce. He can drop bombshell after bombshell and ruin her. So Kris should be afraid. Very afraid.” The magazine goes on to detail how Bruce has moved out and bought a place in Malibu, but this is hardly news. Khloe Kardashian actually told Jay Leno last week that Kris and Bruce live apart . But the tabloid insider says it’s not just for a breather, it’s for a reason far more serious: “It’s gotten to a point where he’s accepted this marriage is not working for him.”

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Kris and Bruce Jenner: The $200 Million Divorce?

Pizza Delivery Nightmare of the Day

I can only assume the only hope or joy or excitement a Pizza Delivery Man gets is the 5-15 seconds he waits on the stoop for the person who ordered the pizza to open the door. Will it be a hot girl who invites him into fuck, will it be a group of dykes having an all night sex party, will it be a rich old lady looking for someone to work for her instead of the shitty pizza man who has been oppressing you and blaming you for not being fast enough, a pressure that doesn’t warrant your 8 dollars an hour plus tips, especially after the horrible car accident that leaves you crippled for life with no disability pension cuz you were working under the fucking table, and I’m not talking about the horrible things that happen to play against that small glimmer of hope that your fantasy of a nude goddess opening the door will come true, ruined when the bitch who opens the door is some kind of inbred 50 year old trying to be funny for her brother/husband/lover/dad….this is the kind of shit that will make the average pizza man never wish a nude chick opens a door again…and that’s destroys the only perk of their shitty career choice….Shoulda graduated High School loser… FOLLOW ME


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Pizza Delivery Nightmare of the Day