Tag Archives: accuser-drops

Nelly’s Rape Accuser Drops Case And Refuses To Testify — But Here’s What Nelly Has To Say

Nelly’s Accuser Drops Rape Case And Refuses To Testify Well, that was fast. Barely one week after a woman stepped forward claiming that Nelly had forced her into a sexual encounter , she wants all charges dropped and is refusing to even speak on the matter in court. According to TMZ, the woman’s attorney claims that the pressure of standing up to a well-liked celebrity is too much for her client, and she’d rather just cope with what occurred in private than go through the fiasco of a trial and prosecution she may not even triumph in — not to mention what will happen to HER in the court of public opinion . “[She’s chosen to] put a halt to the criminal investigation of [Nelly]. She will not testify further in a criminal proceeding against him. Who will believe her? People are saying horrible things already. She cannot handle this. She is about to break.” Which makes sense…when there’s a rich/famous/otherwise well-liked accuser folks often assume the accuser is a liar/whore/opportunist who couldn’t possibly be telling the truth, and those comments were definitely already rolling in. But Nelly’s attorney has a different view of what happened. According to him, her dropping the charges is only proof that “[this] reckless accusation, once investigated thoroughly, was exposed for what it was — a fabrication. A fabrication that has caused Nelly and his family to suffer emotionally and financially.” He says her dropping the charges isn’t good enough. He wants her to reveal her identity in a public apology, and even plans to recommend that Nelly pursue legal action against HER. Sheesh. It will definitely be interesting to see where things go from here. Splash

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Nelly’s Rape Accuser Drops Case And Refuses To Testify — But Here’s What Nelly Has To Say