Image via Streeter Lecka/Getty Images Panthers Fan Gets Beat Up For Calling Man Racial Slur Let’s make something empirically clear here. If you spew hate speech , racial slurs or any form of bigoted disrespect, you will be met with hands . That’s just how it goes. This video of a two Carolina Panthers fans involved in a physical altercation during last night’s game against the Philadelphia Eagles is going viral as we speak. GRAPHIC ⚠️ Disturbing video of a Panthers fan sucker punching an Eagles fan in face. ( ) — SPORTSRADIO 94WIP (@SportsRadioWIP) October 13, 2017 Many outlets are reporting this story as “Panthers fan gets sucker punched”, or “Thug attacks fan”. Nah, f**k that. Ain’t no sucker punch. Ain’t no “thug”. If this guy was bold enough to call that man a “spic”, then he should have been ready to fight as soon as the “sp-” left his Kylie Jenner lips (old Kylie, not new Kylie). You won’t find any sympathy here.
The rest is here:
These Hands Tho: White Panthers Fan Gets Face Split For Calling Hispanic Guy “S**c!” [Video]