Tag Archives: testify-further

These Hands Tho: White Panthers Fan Gets Face Split For Calling Hispanic Guy “S**c!” [Video]

Image via Streeter Lecka/Getty Images Panthers Fan Gets Beat Up For Calling Man Racial Slur Let’s make something empirically clear here. If you spew hate speech , racial slurs or any form of bigoted disrespect, you will be met with hands . That’s just how it goes. This video of a two Carolina Panthers fans involved in a physical altercation during last night’s game against the Philadelphia Eagles is going viral as we speak. GRAPHIC ⚠️ Disturbing video of a Panthers fan sucker punching an Eagles fan in face. https://t.co/LCO9JzDvu1 ( https://t.co/l3jx0z86Jt ) pic.twitter.com/STL1yqSl2b — SPORTSRADIO 94WIP (@SportsRadioWIP) October 13, 2017 Many outlets are reporting this story as “Panthers fan gets sucker punched”, or “Thug attacks fan”. Nah, f**k that. Ain’t no sucker punch. Ain’t no “thug”. If this guy was bold enough to call that man a “spic”, then he should have been ready to fight as soon as the “sp-” left his Kylie Jenner lips (old Kylie, not new Kylie). You won’t find any sympathy here.

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These Hands Tho: White Panthers Fan Gets Face Split For Calling Hispanic Guy “S**c!” [Video]

Nelly’s Rape Accuser Drops Case And Refuses To Testify — But Here’s What Nelly Has To Say

Nelly’s Accuser Drops Rape Case And Refuses To Testify Well, that was fast. Barely one week after a woman stepped forward claiming that Nelly had forced her into a sexual encounter , she wants all charges dropped and is refusing to even speak on the matter in court. According to TMZ, the woman’s attorney claims that the pressure of standing up to a well-liked celebrity is too much for her client, and she’d rather just cope with what occurred in private than go through the fiasco of a trial and prosecution she may not even triumph in — not to mention what will happen to HER in the court of public opinion . “[She’s chosen to] put a halt to the criminal investigation of [Nelly]. She will not testify further in a criminal proceeding against him. Who will believe her? People are saying horrible things already. She cannot handle this. She is about to break.” Which makes sense…when there’s a rich/famous/otherwise well-liked accuser folks often assume the accuser is a liar/whore/opportunist who couldn’t possibly be telling the truth, and those comments were definitely already rolling in. But Nelly’s attorney has a different view of what happened. According to him, her dropping the charges is only proof that “[this] reckless accusation, once investigated thoroughly, was exposed for what it was — a fabrication. A fabrication that has caused Nelly and his family to suffer emotionally and financially.” He says her dropping the charges isn’t good enough. He wants her to reveal her identity in a public apology, and even plans to recommend that Nelly pursue legal action against HER. Sheesh. It will definitely be interesting to see where things go from here. Splash

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Nelly’s Rape Accuser Drops Case And Refuses To Testify — But Here’s What Nelly Has To Say

Nelly’s Rape Accuser Refuses To Testify, Halts Charges

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Source: Mat Hayward / Getty The woman who accused Nelly of rape in Washington last week no longer wants to testify or press charges. TMZ reports: Nelly’s attorney Scott Rosenblum tells us …the accuser’s “reckless accusation, once investigated thoroughly, was exposed for what it was-a fabrication. A fabrication that has caused Nelly and his family to suffer emotionally and financially.” He’s not satisfied though, and says he wants a public apology from the woman, and will recommend Nelly consider taking legal action against her. The woman’s attorney, Karen Koehler, says her client has told the Auburn PD in Washington State, and the King County D.A. to “put a halt to the criminal investigation of [Nelly]. She will not testify further in a criminal proceeding against him.” Koehler says the young woman feels the system has failed her and she can’t stand up to a celebrity. “Who will believe her. People are saying horrible things already. She cannot handle this. She is about to break.”

Nelly’s Rape Accuser Refuses To Testify, Halts Charges