Image via Streeter Lecka/Getty Images Panthers Fan Gets Beat Up For Calling Man Racial Slur Let’s make something empirically clear here. If you spew hate speech , racial slurs or any form of bigoted disrespect, you will be met with hands . That’s just how it goes. This video of a two Carolina Panthers fans involved in a physical altercation during last night’s game against the Philadelphia Eagles is going viral as we speak. GRAPHIC ⚠️ Disturbing video of a Panthers fan sucker punching an Eagles fan in face. ( ) — SPORTSRADIO 94WIP (@SportsRadioWIP) October 13, 2017 Many outlets are reporting this story as “Panthers fan gets sucker punched”, or “Thug attacks fan”. Nah, f**k that. Ain’t no sucker punch. Ain’t no “thug”. If this guy was bold enough to call that man a “spic”, then he should have been ready to fight as soon as the “sp-” left his Kylie Jenner lips (old Kylie, not new Kylie). You won’t find any sympathy here.
24-Year-Old Man Arrested For Beach Attack Using Hammer, Racial Slurs And Threats Against Police This guy was really on one… 24-year-old Gianpaolo Cerratani of Revere, MA was arraigned today in Chelsea District Court after being arrested Sunday at Revere Beach for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, civil rights violation, threats to commit a crime, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest after attacking a group of Hispanic and African-American young men and teens (ranging in age from 16-20) with a hammer while yelling racial slurs. Witnesses say it all started when Cerretani took a football from a child and got upset after the group of teens and young men took the ball from him to give back to the kid — that’s when he started shouting racial slurs WHILE swinging a hammer. At least one person was hurt, an 18-year-old man from Lowell, who suffered minor injuries from being struck by the hammer but declined medical transport. The group managed to subdue Cerratani until police were called to the beach at around 4:20, but that’s when things only got worse… State Police said that, after Cerretani was cuffed, he continued to shout racial slurs and obscenities–and that he called one trooper a “pig” and said “I’ll take you too.” Cerretani, who was bleeding from several cuts to his head, was taken to Whidden Memorial Hospital in Everett for treatment. While there, police say he used a racial slur in addressing an African-American security guard. Police said Cerretani wouldn’t tell them where he got the hammer, which they said was recovered at the scene. SMH… Was he drunk? High? Mentally ill? Sounds crazy right? Shutterstock
24-Year-Old Man Arrested For Beach Attack Using Hammer, Racial Slurs And Threats Against Police This guy was really on one… 24-year-old Gianpaolo Cerratani of Revere, MA was arraigned today in Chelsea District Court after being arrested Sunday at Revere Beach for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, civil rights violation, threats to commit a crime, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest after attacking a group of Hispanic and African-American young men and teens (ranging in age from 16-20) with a hammer while yelling racial slurs. Witnesses say it all started when Cerretani took a football from a child and got upset after the group of teens and young men took the ball from him to give back to the kid — that’s when he started shouting racial slurs WHILE swinging a hammer. At least one person was hurt, an 18-year-old man from Lowell, who suffered minor injuries from being struck by the hammer but declined medical transport. The group managed to subdue Cerratani until police were called to the beach at around 4:20, but that’s when things only got worse… State Police said that, after Cerretani was cuffed, he continued to shout racial slurs and obscenities–and that he called one trooper a “pig” and said “I’ll take you too.” Cerretani, who was bleeding from several cuts to his head, was taken to Whidden Memorial Hospital in Everett for treatment. While there, police say he used a racial slur in addressing an African-American security guard. Police said Cerretani wouldn’t tell them where he got the hammer, which they said was recovered at the scene. SMH… Was he drunk? High? Mentally ill? Sounds crazy right? Shutterstock
Black Girlfriend of White Ex-Cop Fired For Racism Tries To Help Him Get His Job Back We’re not sure whether to file this one under being incredibly forgiving, dumbstruck by love or just plain ol’ swirlin’ while self hating … CBS Miami is reporting on Jason Holding, one of f our Ft. Lauderdale cops who were fired last year after being caught in a racist text message scandal, who is now trying to get his job back by bringing his black girlfriend to testify on his behalf at an arbitration hearing. “There are people that make mistakes. There are people that say things that they didn’t mean,” said Perpetua Michel, who said she has known Holding for about four years, and they became an item about a year ago, after the allegations against him surfaced. Michel continued, “He’s a cop, he shouldn’t have said that word, correct.” She added that she doesn’t believe Holding used the “N” word in a hateful way. She wasn’t the only one to get emotional on the stand. Holding’s voice cracked and his parents were in tears in the hearing room as he apologized for the messages: “I am not a racist, I have never been a fascist, I’ll never be a racist,” Holding said. Holding said he became “numb” to the use of racial slurs because he heard them constantly from the black community, black officers and white officers. “That is not who I am,” Holding said. Holding was fired in 2015 along with police officers Chris Sousa and James Wells; the fourth officer, Alex Alvarez, resigned. Holding is likely fighting an uphill battle as Wells had his bid for reinstatement refused by an arbitrator in February. CBS Miami
Wait, what???? Man Sues Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity For $2 Million For Hazing A 45-year-old Maryland man is suing Kappa Alpha Psi and a local police officer after he alleges that an alumni chapter of the fraternity hazed him bizarrely. According to Harry Draughn Jr., he was struck with a cane, made to perform tasks in his skivvies and “forced” to rub lotion on another man’s body. Sir… The Washington Post reports: A D.C. man is suing Kappa Alpha Psi for more than $2 million, claiming he was hazed by a Prince George’s County police officer leading the fraternity’s membership intake for an alumni chapter of the organization earlier this year. Harry Draughn Jr., 45, alleges he was beaten, smacked with a cane and told to perform tasks in his underwear as a spring 2015 pledge of the Hyattsville/Landover Alumni Chapter of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, according to court documents filed Tuesday morning. The suit names the fraternity and one of the chapter’s intake chairmen, Jesse Stewart Jr., as defendants and identifies Stewart as a Prince George’s County police officer. The Prince George’s County Police Department suspended Stewart and launched an investigation upon learning of the allegations, officials said. Stewart is listed as a “2nd Vice Polemarch” on the fraternity’s Web site. Draughn, a graduate of North Carolina A&T State University, said he had never joined a fraternity as a student and became interested in the local chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi for the camaraderie and the group’s commitment to community service. Draughn said he paid $3,000 to become a member of the group in January but was denied a refund after he complained of the hazing. During the intake process, Draughn and another potential member of the fraternity were told to take off their pants and socks and “perform tasks around [the defendant’s] house in their underwear,” the suit claims. They were also asked inappropriate personal questions about their sex lives and were told to rub lotion on Stewart’s body, according to the complaint. Draughn alleges he was beaten as part of the hazing, claiming Stewart smacked him and another pledge “on their bottoms with a cane” in February, the court documents state. “Since the beating on March 23, 2015, Plaintiff has had to sit on a pillow while driving and is suffering from lower back pain, has not [been] able to sleep, has felt depressed,” the lawsuit states. SMH….this man can NOT be serious. You’re 45-years-old sir, there’s no way anyone should have been able to “force” you to do anything.
Another Racist Incident For Duke University, Noose Found On Campus Racial tensions continue to rise on the campus of Duke University . The second incident in just a few weeks has students rattled. According to Duke Chronicle reports : A noose was discovered hanging from a tree on the Bryan Center Plaza early Wednesday morning. Reports on social media showed a photo of the noose, made with a thin yellow rope, with several students linking the incident to racially charged motivations. The noose was removed from the tree prior to 2:45 a.m. Wednesday. Two police officers were on the scene speaking to a group of several concerned students shortly after reports surfaced online. The incident comes approximately two weeks after students allegedly chanted a racist song at a black female student, which prompted President Richard Brodhead and Provost Sally Kornbluth to send an email to the student body affirming Duke’s commitment to racial equality. The Duke University Police Department deferred comment until the morning. The Duke People of Color Caucus, an anonymous group that emerged following the alleged chanting, released the following statement on Tumblr along with a photo of the noose: To all black students, staff, faculty, and/or Durhamites on campus and in the area: Please take care of yourselves and each other. This campus is not a safe space, and has proven beyond any doubt that it is a hostile environment for any and all black people. One reblogger of the post commented, “I don’t feel safe on my own campus.” Damn can you blame them? NY Daily News published part of a statement from the University on the incident: The thin, yellow rope was cut down around 2:45 a.m., Vice President for Student Affairs Larry Moneta said in an email to students Wednesday, according to WRAL. “To whomever committed this hateful and stupid act, I just want to say that if your intent was to create fear, it will have the opposite effect,” Moneta wrote. The North Carolina university is investigating, he said. Craziness… Just to go into a little more detail, two weeks ago, a black female student accused her classmates of chanting a racist song — which including racial slurs and an allusion to lynching — at her. That incident prompted a the formation of the Duke People of Color Caucus, an anonymous online group. Click here for a full statement from the group’s Tumblr
After returning from a refreshing and awesome spring break vacation, a Black female student at Texas A&M Corpus Christi University was greeted by racial slurs…