Tag Archives: racism-tries

SMH: Black Girlfriend Goes On Stand To Defend Former White Cop Fired For Texts With Racial Slurs [Video]

Black Girlfriend of White Ex-Cop Fired For Racism Tries To Help Him Get His Job Back We’re not sure whether to file this one under being incredibly forgiving, dumbstruck by love or just plain ol’ swirlin’ while self hating … CBS Miami is reporting on Jason Holding, one of f our Ft. Lauderdale cops who were fired last year after being caught in a racist text message scandal, who is now trying to get his job back by bringing his black girlfriend to testify on his behalf at an arbitration hearing. “There are people that make mistakes. There are people that say things that they didn’t mean,” said Perpetua Michel, who said she has known Holding for about four years, and they became an item about a year ago, after the allegations against him surfaced. Michel continued, “He’s a cop, he shouldn’t have said that word, correct.” She added that she doesn’t believe Holding used the “N” word in a hateful way. She wasn’t the only one to get emotional on the stand. Holding’s voice cracked and his parents were in tears in the hearing room as he apologized for the messages: “I am not a racist, I have never been a fascist, I’ll never be a racist,” Holding said. Holding said he became “numb” to the use of racial slurs because he heard them constantly from the black community, black officers and white officers. “That is not who I am,” Holding said. Holding was fired in 2015 along with police officers Chris Sousa and James Wells; the fourth officer, Alex Alvarez, resigned. Holding is likely fighting an uphill battle as Wells had his bid for reinstatement refused by an arbitrator in February. CBS Miami

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SMH: Black Girlfriend Goes On Stand To Defend Former White Cop Fired For Texts With Racial Slurs [Video]