Tag Archives: pound-popstar

Hard Body Babe’s Workout Video Features a Dude Taking a Shit of the Day

I am very into fitness, at least when it comes to watching girls do fitness, because I have a serious fetish for it, one that has got me kicked out of many gyms I’ve volunteered at, because apparently cheering on girls while they squat is against their rules….. I think my fitness fetish stems from all the fat girls I’ve had fat sex with over the years…you know lazy fucking pigs who smell…but it also has to do with so many girls being lazy as fuck….making it nice to see a girl really work on her body…. So every once in a while I’ll turn to fitness videos for masturbation purposes, because watch this video, and you’ll see why, the hard body just blows me away….what also blows me away is at the 20 second mark, where a dude is shitting…as she works out. Obviously intentional, a prank to promote their fitness channel, you know make it go viral, in such a simple way and you know what, it’s a prank I can appreciate, that’s why I’m posting it. More viral videos need 1 second shots of people shitting. It will make Youtube a better place.

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Hard Body Babe’s Workout Video Features a Dude Taking a Shit of the Day

Russian Babe Getting Down of the Day

I like the way girls dance in Russia. No wonder they are the hottest country for Mail Order brides. I mean I always knew that these intense girls, raised by communist parents, where amazing whether in the sex trade or the model game. I jerk off to cam shows and titty photoshoots alike…. I know people who have done the Russian mail order bride thing, and loved the experience until she took him for everything he was worth after threatening to kill him. It turns out that greatness isn’t limited to the Russian pussy I know and love, it’s just as amazing when they are just kickin’ it on the stoop

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Russian Babe Getting Down of the Day

Christina Aguilera’s Bikini Pic Lie of the Day

Christina Aguilera posted this picture to facebook and it is safe to say that it is either from a decade ago, before she decided to embrace her eating after her pregnancy and turn her 90 pound popstar self into 150 pounds of disgustingness that even her massive tits couldn’t overshadow….or it is photoshopped as hard as her team of talented graphic designers could to legally be able to still call these pics of Christina Aguilera. Unless her time off TV gave her time to reflect, hire a cook and a trainer and work at shit, because despite embracing her fatness, like all fat girls do, she probably actually hated it, like all fat girls do, and just wanted to be sexy again. The whole beefcake tank who loves cookies and cake didn’t translate so well on TV…. Either way, you can probably masturabte to this, since her belly isn’t hanging out over her skirt, a new and good look for her, even if it is a lie, something we should expect, since all women lie.

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Christina Aguilera’s Bikini Pic Lie of the Day