Tag Archives: power-button

New Microsoft App Can Cut PC Power Consumption By 80%

Photo by canned muffins Just how important is turning off computers at the end of the day in an office building? Very, if a company wants to save big bucks on electricity bills. According to UC San Diego researchers, 50-80% of a modern building’s electricity use goes to IT equipment, particularly desktop computers. A report last year showed that not shutting down PCs equated to $2.8 billion in wasted electricity . Still, many offices don’t encourage their employe… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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New Microsoft App Can Cut PC Power Consumption By 80%

New NYC Condom Wrapper: Power Button!

Link: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2… The votes are in and the new official condom of New York City is the electrical power button, submitted by Luis Acosta of Kew Gardens, Queens. That really turns me on! (Get it? Cause it's a power button! On a condom! Get it? Puns!) Read