Tag Archives: pranks

Iraqi Reality TV Show Pranks Celebrities by Planting Fake Bombs in Their Cars [Bad Ideas]

We like our humor dark, but this is dark : In Iraq, a reality show puts fake bombs in celebrities’ cars, then tricks them into believing they’re going to prison for terrorism once they’re “discovered” at security checkpoints. More

Guy Pretends to Be a Yo-Yo Master, Fools Local TV News

Filed under: Humor , Videos , News / Politics This scheming prankster pulled off a Kaufmann-esque stunt at least three times for local news stations. Kenny “K-Strass” Strasser pretends to be a yo-yo master and then shows up unprepared, socially awkward and unable to perform any actual tricks. Somehow, he is able to secure air time without demonstrating any actual talent or stage presence. You’d think there’d be some kind of screening process before these people are put in front of a live feed. Here is some background on the hoax: At WISC in Madison, Strasser was booked and ready to go on “News 3 This Morning.” But things took a strange turn when Strasser said on the air, “Do you want to hear a scary story?” Colin Benedict, the station’s news director, said the anchors were confused. They thought a yo-yo champion was supposed to be on. Instead, Strasser started talking about his personal story of alcohol and drugs. Some of his commentary is genius, Andy Kaufman -level banter. It’s definitely worth watching if you relish painfully awkward moments. Share via:// Deadspin Continue reading

TMZ’s April Fools Photo Contest — Final Four!

Filed under: Photo Galleries The prankster pics have been narrowed down to four in our April Fools Photo Contest — and now their foolin’ fates are in your hands.Which of these practical jokesters should score the $250 prize and some wicked cool gifts from TMZ?**CLICK HERE for … Permalink

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TMZ’s April Fools Photo Contest — Final Four!

April Fool Pranks: List of Best April Fools Pranks for Work

April Fools Pranks: List of Best April Fool Pranks for Work – Part of the tradition on the world when April 1 is set to come is the April Fools day and expect that everyone will be a prankster today. Let us enjoy this day but make it sure that making pranks will be light-hearted and wont disturb nor even hurt your friends, families and colleagues. Here are some of the April Fools Pranks for work that I have collected which you may use now to enjoy the day: For Work: Yum! Cake: Cover a box with frosting and leaving the kitchen.  Watch as your co-workers attempt to take a slice! Mouse Trouble: Put a post-it over the ball of a mouse.  This will prevent the mouse from working and the victim will get very frustrated. Push/Pull: Put push/pull signs on the doors so that people are pushing when they should be pulling or vice versa.  Warning!  Do not do this prank on fire escape doors. Frozen!: Take a screenshot of a co-workers computer and blow it up on their monitor to actual size.  They’ll think their computer is frozen. For Home: Wake-Up Call: Hide the victim’s alarm clock and set it for 3am (or some other crazy time).  To take this joke a step further you can also unscrew the lightbulb so they have more trouble finding the alarm clock that’s beeping incessantly. Squirt!: An all-time classic prank.  Scotch tape the spray nozzle down so the next person that turns on the sink gets a squirt!  Here’s a tip:  Remember not to be the first person to turn on the sink! Slippery soap: Rub dish soap on your hands and then on the door knob to their room.  Watch as they attempt to get in! April Fool Pranks: List of Best April Fools Pranks for Work is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Who Towed the Cars of 53 Glenn Beck Fans? [Pranks]

In what was either a conspiracy of tow truck companies, academic Maoists, and ACORN or a hilarious frat prank, 53 cars were towed from a University of Central Florida parking lot while their owners were enjoying a Glenn Beck show. Mysterious signs promised free event parking at a nearby lot. And because signs are the most revered sources of truth among Glenn Beck viewers, they all illegally parked in a lot belonging to Kappa Sigma. Beck show attendee Mike Vedder is pretty sure this was a set-up. “Maybe they have a deal with the tow truck company or maybe they got kickbacks under the table,” he said, though Orlando’s WFTV did not explain who he meant by “they.” Oddly, though: “Students at the fraternity won’t talk.” What do these liberal elitists have to hide?

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Who Towed the Cars of 53 Glenn Beck Fans? [Pranks]

America Kicks Ass

It's heartening to know what sort of career a law degree will get you these days.

Go here to read the rest:
America Kicks Ass

Awesome French Prank Compilation

Link: http://www.collegehumor.com/video:192…

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Awesome French Prank Compilation

10 Awesome Gags To Torture Your Friends

Seeing that April Fools day is less than four months, what better way to get into the spirit than the top 10 practical jokes you can play on your buddies. Continue reading

Newlyweds On The Job

Link: http://twitter.com/newlywedsontjob A best man secretly set up a motion sensor attached to the newlyweds' bed which tweets every time it detects any “rocking” activity, along with a “frenzy index.” Just think: your bed might have a Twitter out there somewhere (Frenzy Index: -3) and you wouldn't even know it. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Couple Pranks

Here’s a couple who pull pranks on each other, notice that when a guy pulls pranks on the girl its innocent and fun, BUT the girl only knows how to retaliate by inflicting pain! I may be generalizing, but growing up with two older sisters, I learned that women are evil… I have the scars to prove it! *Submit sexy, funny, interesting videos here Couple Pranks Video More AmaTuna

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Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Couple Pranks