Having already boldly proclaimed that Lamar Odom got Khloe Kardashian pregnant , a popular celebrity news source is doubling up on suspect baby news: Mariah Carey is pregnant as well, according to Radar Online! If nothing else, it will be an interesting test for this celebrity gossip source’s credibility, as it seems to specialize in vague non-stories one can’t disprove. Bombs like these aren’t often dropped as fact, so if Mariah and/or Khloe aren’t actually with child , then you’ll know how to evaluate Radar from now on. In any case, the 40-year-old singer recently dropped out of her next film gig, fueling rumors that she’s pregnant. Now Radar ‘s source says it’s for real. THG? Still a little skeptical. But here’s hoping. “They’re both very excited and very happy,” dished an insider of Mariah Carey and husband Nick Cannon, who recently renewed their wedding vows . Mariah’s longtime rep Cindi Berger offered a somewhat cryptic non-denial, saying: “I’m not at liberty to discuss Mariah’s personal life at this time.” The alleged inside source says that it’s the stars’ plan to keep it on the DL: “Mariah and Nick want to keep the pregnancy quiet as long as they can.” Speculation has run rampant about the impending baby since Mariah Carey was spotted with Nick outside an Los Angeles medical clinic in May. Some suggested the singer had begun hormone enhancement therapy and/or IVF; a possible explanation for a noticeable, sudden weight gain. Congratulations are certainly in order for Mariah and Nick if this turns out to be true, but we’re still a little cautious. Stay tuned for more details.
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Mariah Carey Pregnant, Sources Claim