Tag Archives: president-death

Baba Booey talks future of Howard Stern, Kimmel, NY Times Bestselling Book & Eric the Midget

Gary Dell'abate (Baba Booey!) stopped by infoMania to promote the release of his New York Times Bestseller, “They Call Me Baba Booey.” He talked about his first pitch, his debacle the night before when he stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live, the future of the Howard Stern Show and all points in between… infoMania is a half-hour satirical news show that airs on Current TV. The show puts a comedic spin on the 24-hour chaos and information overload brought about by the constant bombardment of the media. Hosted by Conor Knighton and co-starring Brett Erlich, Erin Gibson, Ben Hoffman, Bryan Safi and Sergio Cilli, the show airs on Thursdays at 11/10c on Current TV. Go to http://current.com/infomania for more, and make sure to check out our Facebook profile for special features at http://facebook.com/infomania . added by: Ben_Hoffman

White House Says Child Soldiers Are Ok, if They Fight Terrorists

“You cannot be completely happy with all these wounds—both in your body and in your mind.” —15 year-old child soldier The phenomenon of child soldiers, like genocide, slavery and torture, seems like one of those crimes that no nation could legitimately defend. Yet the Obama administration just decided to leave countless kids stranded on some of the world’s bloodiest battlegrounds. The administration stunned human rights groups last month by sidestepping a commitment to help countries curb the military exploitation of children. Josh Rogin at Foreign Policy reported that President Obama issued a presidential memorandum granting waivers from the Child Soldiers Prevention Act to four countries: Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan and Yemen. The memo instructed Secretary of State Hilary Clinton that it is in our “national interest” to continue extending military aid to those countries, despite their failure to comply with the rules Congress passed and George W. Bush signed in 2008. A thumbs-up for child soldiers from the pen of President Obama? Whitehouse spokesperson P.J. Crowley explained it was a strategic decision to ease the 2008 law. The rationale is that on balance, it’s more effective for the U.S. to keep providing military assistance that will help countries gradually evolve out of the practice of marshaling kids to the battlefield, rather than isolating them. Mr. Obama has provided us with proof once more what an incompetent, black hearted ass he is. Kill off the children by encouraging them to fight wars……”if it’s against terrorists”. This man has got to be stopped. He seems to be all about causing death. President Death and his DemocraticDeathStar raises it’s ugly head once more. There is no rational excuse for this insanity…..arm the little kids they can hide behind rocks better! http://www.infowars.com/white-house-says-child-soldiers-are-ok-if-they-fight-ter… added by: ReverandG