Source: ozgurcankaya / Getty High Schooler Reveals Affair With Teacher After She Wouldn’t Pay Him $140 According to Fox 13 Memphis , a former teacher is being accused of sexual contact with a Trezevant High School student. Jasmine Edmond reportedly exchanged more than 200 text messages with the student and had told the principal of the high school that the student was trying to blackmail her, according to legal documents. An email from Trezevant’s principal states the school was aware of the 239 texts with the student threatening to expose the relationship unless Edmond gave him money. “You Said We Had A Bet & If You Lie Our Little Secret Going To Be Out There,” the message read. “That’s Not A Threat It’s A Promise.” When Edmonds presumably didn’t respond, the teen sent the following message, “Then You Not Trying To Answer Or Text Back I Got Proof of Everything So 140 Tomorrow Or Your Career Over On My Grandma.” Records reveal the 16-year-old was allegedly expelled from Trezevant High School in early 2018 for throwing rocks at her car. Edmonds had been a guest at the teen’s family’s Thanksgiving as the boy’s mother knew Edmonds “did not have family nearby”, but the mother of the student claimed that she “didn’t have any knowledge” of her son and Edmonds’ relationship. Edmond was indicted by a grand jury in November 2018. Memphis Police are expected to charge her in January with sexual contact with a minor.
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Jesus Take The Lunch Money: Student Threatened To Reveal Affair With Teacher If She Didn’t Pay Him $140