Tag Archives: pretty-panty

Stevie J to Miss Jackson: How Was Your Fake Abortion, You Lying Cokehead?

Sorry Ms. Jackson, but the Stevie J baby mama drama is for real … and even by that guy’s absurd standards it’s pretty darn spectacular. Think cocaine, fake abortions and backstabbing. Amazing. Just to recap what’s going on in this man’s life briefly first: – After possibly knocking up longtime partner Joseline Hernandez,  Stevie J is now suing Joseline for calling him a deadbeat child molester. – He began another serious relationship shortly after he and Joseline called it quits; Stevie was then accused of cheating on Faith Evans . – Stevie is expecting a child with Ms. Jackson (yes, that’s her name), an Atlanta businesswoman whose panties he went all in on this year. Literally and business-wise. See below … We’re not making this up, but it feels like we would be because it’s that ridiculous: Ms. Jackson is the owner of My Pretty Panty undergarments. Underwear for young ladies and “a dope product to help the ladies feel comfortable and oh so pretty during that special time of the month.” The company’s press release promised “Stevie J is all about helping the ladies feel comfortable and My Pretty Panty does just that.” Bottom line: Stevie J was really, legitimately hawking underwear for young girls because he was banging the woman in charge of the operation. Hilarious in and of itself. Unfortunately, but predictably, the relationship has gone downhill fast, and the social media shade they’re throwing is the stuff of legend … The blog Fameolous, the best place for gossip whether you watch Love & Hip Hop Atlanta online or not, was the site of their public beef. The Instagram screen grab above was from Fameolous’ page, and as you can see, Steven Jordan accuses her of some crazy a– s–t. If you believe this, Miss Jackson was doing just as many drugs as Stevie, and faked an abortion with the help of her “raggedy” assistant. He also implies that she is still pregnant, and needs to have positive energy (rather than drugs) flowing through her body at this time. Stevie, who denies that she had anything to do with his previous family drama, then gets an earful back in the drug accusations department. She also called out Joseline, and HARD: Probably the best part of this rant? Besides saying that Stevie is a stalker and a drug addict who hunted her down for years and that his fake ex-wife is an insecure diva? Telling Fameolous not to bother sending the Stevie-related tirade in question to rival Joseline, as this is public and deliberately so at that.  Suffice it to say, after all this? Stevie J is not the most popular man in Atlanta right now, although he sure manages to convince that fine city’s women to give it up to him. He then proceeds to move on to somebody else, father another kid or several, while engaging in ongoing online feuds with his exes. And then not pay child support. View Slideshow: Joseline and Stevie J: Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Feud Goes NUCLEAR! Something tells us we haven’t heard the last of this latest drama. That something being Stevie J’s years-long track record in this arena. Seriously … what a mess this guy is!

Stevie J to Miss Jackson: How Was Your Fake Abortion, You Lying Cokehead?