Tag Archives: pretty-photos

Talula Wilde’s Gone Wild in New York of the Day

Our most famous and amazing stepGIRL TALULA WILDE …who is only going to continue to get more and more famous from here…until one day being far too famous to ever answer my calls or emails…but who may one day send me a letter from her lawyer asking me to remove any association with DrunkenStepfather.com and the #stepGIRLS..but who supports and encourages and loves our little movement right now…did this exclusive #stepGIRL shoot with our friend and famed photographer ALI HUSSAIN from GIVE ME A MILK …and it is amazing… I mean this is one substantial and beautifully talented girl. The kind of girl I should leave my house to just stare at, which would be against my reclusive hermit existence, and really why bother when I have these amazingly shot, nude and pretty photos I can stare at instead…and now so do you. So FOLLOW HER ON INSTAGRAM and FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM and FOLLOW #stepGIRLS ON INSTAGRAM and FOLLOW ALI HUSSAIN ON INSTAGRAM …it will heal the world and make it a better place…just like these pics of Talula… Amazing…I am in love…the kind of love that is forever and not just because I see her in all her glory.

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Talula Wilde’s Gone Wild in New York of the Day