Tag Archives: previous-rule

Dear Reader: Check Out Our New Features!

Just a quick shoutout — to ourselves — for adding a few new elements that hopefully make everybody’s Movieline experience a little more comprehensive. Off to the right you’ll find Out of the Gate , a weekly module that will tell you what’s opening. Below that is By The Numbers , which will keep you updated with the weekend box office and each film’s cumulative total. Everything is linked, so click through to read Movieline reviews and other related coverage. And let us know if something’s not working!

The rest is here:
Dear Reader: Check Out Our New Features!

Scarface Limited Edition Blu-Ray Will Cost $999.99; Cocaine Not Included

If you’ve been wanting to prove your masculinity by dropping $999.99 on Scarface , you’re in luck: As of Sept. 6, Universal Studios Home Entertainment is releasing a limited edition package of the film for nearly $1,000 which includes everything except a real-life Cuban drug lord and a pile of cocaine big enough to correct your inferiority complex.

Read more:
Scarface Limited Edition Blu-Ray Will Cost $999.99; Cocaine Not Included

Mildred Pierce Is the Film Event of the Year So Far — And It’s on HBO

To my previous rule of “Only Remake Bad Movies, Not Good Ones,” let me add the codicil, “But It’s OK to Remake Good Ones If the Original Strayed from the Source Material.” Because that’s what Todd Haynes does in his breathtaking five-part HBO adaptation of James M. Cain’s Mildred Pierce (premiering this Sunday, March 27). Rather than try to summon the magic that made the 1945 version so memorable (Joan Crawford won a well-deserved Oscar in the title role), Haynes goes back to the original Cain novel to tell a story that fans of the original movie know only in bits and pieces.

Here is the original post:
Mildred Pierce Is the Film Event of the Year So Far — And It’s on HBO